Arduino UNO on MACBOOK --- Can't get uploaded!

I've tried many ways to get this problem reissued.

I use MACBOOK and the latest IDE for Arduino UNO. I've updated the drivers. I do not know why the serial ports do not show up on the list!

Any clue?

Had the same problem for a while, the port you have selected is not the port from an USB on your macbook, it's Bluetooth (which also shows up as a port yes).
Try this:

  • Plug in your Arduino blank (nothing connected to it)
  • Check if it shows up (if not, probably wrong drivers or something, not to sure).
  • But if it shows up in the port, then your wiring was probably wrong, try also both USB ports on the Macbook!

Hope this helps.

Sorry I did not quite get what you mean by "Plug in your Arduino blank"!

I know that Bluetooth selected port is not the right port but nothing else other than that shows up!

Where on mac I can change the port? It is so complicated!

Sorry I did not quite get what you mean by "Plug in your Arduino blank"!

I know that Bluetooth selected port is not the right port but nothing else other than that shows up!

Where on mac I can change the port? It is so complicated!

You can change the port, right in the section where the bluetooth port shows up, your Macbook just doesn't recognise it.

With blank I mean, remove all the wires and stuff from your Arduino, just connect the Arduino only, nothing attached to the arduino. Try that.

Well, nothing is connected to the USB ports but the Arduino!

Unfortunately I cannot change the ports. The Bluetooth is already selected! ( for some reasons)

I am not able to un-tick it!

Same issue here. Been having the issue for a week or so.. No driver installations or nothing working for me.

Well, nothing is connected to the USB ports but the Arduino!

Unfortunately I cannot change the ports. The Bluetooth is already selected! ( for some reasons)

I am not able to un-tick it!

I'm talking about the Arduino itself... remove all the wires from the Arduino itself and then connect it. It selects the Blutooth port automatically because it's the only one available (which it always is on Macbook). But if the things I said doesn't work for you then I'm afraid I can't help you :frowning:

I just found out that my Arduino Uno board is not toasted! This is a good sign! On WIN 7 my Arduino was able to get uploaded the code!

I've planned to work on my MACBOOK FTDI drivers! I will keep you updated soon again!

I am having the same problems however I am currently running OS X 10.9.5, I am curious if perhaps I need to update my OS in order to properly communicate with my arduino? I have a windows 7 partition on my hard drive but the arduino IDE on that side of the partition does not even allow me to change or view my ports (almost as if it doesn't recognize that there are any ports)


just a bad cable, not sure what is wrong on the windows side of my machine though