Im a newbie in using arduino. Currently, I'm working on a project that involves a sensor. However, after I used a charger to power up the motherboard, the sensor stopped working. How can I fix this?
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What Arduino?
What charger? Output voltage?
How was the charger connected?
Did you see smoke? From where? Did any component or components get hot? Which ones?
What happens if you attempt to upload the blink example?
Sorry, but thanks for informing me. Anyway, the arduino I used is uno r3. I connected it to a vivo charger while its output voltage is 5v. The charger was connected through the tzt usb cable uno r3. While I didn't see any smoke, it did get hot on the left side of the board. However, I don't know about the blink you said, its my first time and I jsut followed a video in youtube to do my project.
Well there are over 30 pins you could have connected it to. Try to draw a simple schematic showing what pins were connected to what. What is the rating (voltage and current) of the charger and is its output regulated? Post a link to technical information to the sensor you are using. At this point we have thousands of different ones to guess at.
To properly answer your question this information is needed otherwise we will do what you are doing guessing which will probably not solve the problem. My suggestion is you get a copy of the Arduino Cookbook and skim all the way through it. Then read the areas that are pertinent to your project.
That is kind of ambiguous. I cannot see the orientation of the board from here. A photo of the board with the area circled would be more specific.
Also a photo showing how the charger was connected would clear up that confusion.
Why use the charger? Why not connect from the PC USB to the Uno USB? That is how it needs to be connected to upload code.
Please post a link to the video.
I agree with what @gilshultz wtote. You will be way ahead by reading and learning the basics.
How do you know it was 5V?
Also, was there anything connected to the pins? It may not be the charger. If something is connected to the Arduino output pins and they pull a lot of current it could overload the on board regulator. So we need to know of everything that is connected to the Arduino. Again, photos and/or a wiring diagram would be a big help.
A standard USB charger is usually OK.
There is a possibility that it's "cheap" and not voltage regulated so it puts-out excessive voltage with no load, or with a light load. (An Arduino by itself is a "light load... It doesn't use a lot of current.)
It's also possible that it was damaged by an Electrostatic Discharge if you touched the board and you weren't wearing a ground strap. I may have had this happen once... I had an Arduino die for no known reason and I wasn't grounded.
Or, maybe something else or just a rare-random failure.
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