Arduino uno text to speech

Hello, I have an Arduino project to mimic the device used by Stephen Hawking to write, to which I had added an LCD screen, and a joystick. The funcionality is pretty basic; you use the joystick to write words, which are then displayed on the LCD screen.
Now I would like to add the text-to-speech functionality to it. The question that I have is what components do I need to add to the existing project to achieve this?

I added a diagram for the current project below.

Thank you for the help!

good effort to post the the circuit but it is totally unreadable and useless in your context. (read How to get the best out of this forum to see what's usually needed when posting).

how do you write a word ? the rotary let you pick letter after letter until you have a full word?

if you want to be able to do text to speech on any word, a UNO won't just cut it.

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Yes, I use the joystick to select the letters and form a word, which is displayed on the screen. In terms of the circuit, it was the best I could do. I used Fritzing for it because I couldn't find the joystick on tinkercad. and I don't know any other diagram maker.
For the TTS part, they will be only words with 14 chars maximum to be converted and will be in english. Isn't the UNO capable of doing that?

yeah I've seen :slight_smile:
point is that it's not really readable and it does not add any value for your question (which is not related to that part)

no. it only has 2KB of Ram and runs at 16MHz

I've seen the example in the following link: Arduino based Text to Speech (TTS) Converter, which is done using an arduino uno and I thought that would be possible. The thing is that I am kinda clueless on how it would've worked in combination with what I have now and the components that I would need

Talkie has a built in limited vocabulary for which the maths ( normalized text ➜ phonemes ➜ spoken voice) has been pre-calculated outside the arduino.

You'll find the words in this file

The arduino cannot perform the back end processing that is required to do this, so see that more as canned words than text to speech. You could create your own vocabulary as highlighted in the github

Oh ok, I get it. Would you have any idea on what feature I could add to what I have to improve it?:slight_smile:

have a list of common words in memory and provide auto completion to speed up word entry?

Yeah, that would work. Didn't think of that. Thank you. :smiley:

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