Arduino wiring safety

I have an arduino nano 33 BLE and I want to use it to turn on an rgb led.
I want to power it using a 9v battery and a slide switch.
I have connected the + cable from the battery to the left pin of the slide switch, the middle pin of the switch is directly connected to the Vin of the arduno and finally, the - cable from the battery to the ground pin of the arduino.
Just like the photo below...

I would like to ask if this connection is safe or it may damage the arduino. Also, do I have to add any resistor to the battery?

Thank you!

Confused. You show what looks like a 7.4V battery... you say 9V.

Never do that. By the way, when you push oversized pins into a proto board like that, it will never be the same...

It's this one

Why not? Also what do you mean about the oversized pins on this proto board?

Because it won't work, it won't produce a fixed voltage. If you want to know why, study Ohm's law and some fundamentals of electric circuits. There isn't room here to post the entire explanation in a way that you could grasp instantly.

I invite you to try it, and make sense of what happens.

Also what do you mean about the oversized pins on this proto board?

The slide switch has pins that are oversized for the internal connectors on the proto board.

Your circuit might be safe, provided you did wire it the way you describe. But since you didn't post a schematic with component values on it, it's impossible to reliably answer your original question.

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The battery companies will like you as you will be purchasing a lot of batteries. Expect a lot of unexplained problems as the internal impedance of the 9V will give you problems. 9V batteries do not last they have no capacity. Use several AA or Li type of batteries.

Yes, i know its not the best options..But besides this, is this wiring safe? I mean will this work or it may damge the arduino ?

You're fine. Have fun

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