Arduino with a 2d, PDF417 barcode scanner

Hi, all!

I'm 100% new to Arduino programming, and I'm completely out of my element here! I've done a great deal of application programming, however, but here's the deal: my boss told me that he needs a functional barcode scanning system that fits the needs of the business, and I have a VERY short amount of time to get this done.

After some cursory reading, it would appear that I need a USB host shield, but does anyone have any specific hardware recommendations that they believe would work? I can absolutely figure out the coding part once I have it, but I'm having a bit of difficulty in navigating the different kinds of barcode scanners, and which ones would or wouldn't work with an Arduino.

Any help or guidance at all is greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Why do you need an arduino? Barcode scanners work just fine with your PC. Maybe a little more info?

Hi there! Thanks for the reply!

In short, we're creating a basic age verification system that interfaces with a vending machine, since we sell an age controlled product! We're already familiar with the interface between the Arduino itself and the vending machine itself, but none of us are familiar with a particular 2D, PDF417 barcode scanner that would work for our needs!