Barcode Scanner, LCD display, and Wireless / Bluetooth connectivity

Hi All,

I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

Basically i want to build a fairly "simple" prototype.

It should be as small as possible with minimal power consumption.

The device needs to be able to communicate with a software package (to be written still) which would basically pass instructions to the software and the software will reply with a value. It needs to have a bar-code scanner to scanned bar-coded items, such as bar-codes pasted on boxes in a warehouse, this bar-code must be transmitted wireless to the access point and then the server is to respond with a value (for now digital numbers is fine but this might evolve for later requirements). The value must then be displayed on the LCD panel (ie: 76 or Bay 76). The device somehow needs to be operated using a solar panel (capacitors, small battery, etc) but will not be readily available for re-charging.

Can anyone point my in the right direction, can i build this using Arduino components / technology?

It is not something that is big, however i would like to make something like this to make life a little easier in the field we will be using it for.