Are 13.56 mhz passive rfid tags for deteting larger range using the rc522 reader

So i want to extend my reading range using the rc522 rfid reader. What are my options? Ideally, i would like to have a range of 40cm. Hacking the antenna seems qiute difficult from what i have found on the internet although i found an antenna extender RFID Range Extenders — Lab401 which operates at 13.56Mhz but i don't know if it is compatible with the reader. Another option that I'm digging is to find passive tags at 13.56Mhz which they could cover large area. Now im using the normal tags and i have a distance of 4-5cm. Does anyone have any recommendations of how i could make the range bigger using the rc522? Better commercial tags or easy hacks?

The antenna extender only extends to 7cm, nowhere close to 40cm

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