Are rechargeable vape batteries, specifically rated at 3.7V, 280mAh, and 1.036Wh, suitable for use with the Arduino NANO 33 BLE?

I'm new to working with Arduino, and I have some 501447 batteries from rechargeable vapes. These batteries are connected to a USB-C port for charging. I'm curious if these batteries can be repurposed for any Arduino projects, or if it's better to recycle them at a recycling center?

In principle, yes, these could be used. Depending on the nature of the project they may or may not last long enough, and they may or may not require additional convertors to get you to the required input voltage for your circuit.

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I use lipos like that alla time. In the vape, those are called upon for some fairly stiff current. Running a little Arduino board and a few LEDs and stuff will hardly make that cell sweat.

I don't see a C rating on the package, but it should be at least high enough so you could draw a few amps from it on a continuous basis.

Of course it will only power your circuit for so long. if you are conservative, figure out how long using 1/2 to 2/3 the nominal mAh.

I like to use two cells and a buck regulator for 5 volt stuff.

One cell and either a buck regulator or a traditional linear regulator both work well for 3.3 volts.

If you need to go very closer to an exhausted cell, which I do not recommend, you can use a boost-buck regulator for 3.3 volts.


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Big Clive on Youtube has done several videos about using the batteries from disposable vapes which may be of interest

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