Are there sensors that can detect Nitric Oxide (NO) for Arduino?

I'm working on a thesis related to the measurement of Air Quality, and I'm only missing one last sensor which for detecting the gas concentration (ppm) of Nitric Oxide (NO).

I've found two that I thought could work:

  1. MQ-135: the problem with this one is that I can't seem to find the library or one that specifies how to measure the gas concentration of Nitric Oxide specifically. Link #1
  2. SEN0411: this one can only measure the Nitric Oxide as a detection of a gas leak. The MEMS chip MiCS-2714 reacts to the NO2, H2 and NO gas, but the linearity of some gas concentration feedback value is poor. Therefore, the concentration value does not have a reference value, but can be used as the determination basis of the gas leakage. Link #2

Are there other sensors that I can use to measure the gas concentration of Nitric Oxide?

You already know the MQ-135 is a DETECTOR of certain gases, only! Any gas detector MUST be calibrated. This is a very expensive procedure. Are you prepared? In many cases it must be done shortly before measuring the proposed gas concentration. Municipal air quality people have an unlimited budget or else the lie about the concentrations.

You are much better equipped to find the sensors that actually fit your project that I am.
Good luck with your project!

You might talk to some municipal air quality folks and see what they suggest.

No library needed, and since the MQ-series sensors all respond to several gases, it is not possible to specifically measure NO in a mixture.

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