But when I turn it on, usually it doesn't do anything at first. I have to push that button to get it going. According to the instructable, the circuit sometimes gets stuck and the button discharges the capacitor to unstick it. There is no stated way in the 'ible or the comments to fix the problem.
Is there any bug in the circuit that could be causing the problem? I've never had a circuit with that problem. I don't like having to push the button every time I want some ozone
(If all else fails I might be able to make something to simulate a button push but I really don't want to)
The modification suggested by RP merely swaps which pot/resistor is connected to which transistor base. As the pots and resistor have identical values, the difference must be to do with how you have the two pots adjusted.
The comment I was about to make is that with the power mosfet gate connected directly to one of the collectors, the input capacitance of mosfet will tend to damp the feedback, and that might account for the original problem.