Atmega328 multiproccessing unit


I working on a new project using atmega328p along with a z80 and 68k microcontroller for a multiprocessing system to allow for shared resources applying the best of each architecture.

Think of it as i nickname the project "the chesse, sausage, and mushroom pizza multiprocessor"

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  • You might be creating the next big meme.

  • Don't forget the decoupling capacitors.
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  • That breadboard power supply is actually quite crappy, the regulators will probably get very very hot.

  • You are daisy chaining power distribution, consider star configuration.

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Can you post something showing a star configuration. Youre right, the power supply does have issues.


If I were doing that project, I would take the output of the power supply and use a DC distribution block - maybe + & -- in to 2 terminals using at least 16 AWG wire and then multiple terminal blocks with 22 AWG wire to each breadboard. The DC distribution block is nothing more than sets of screw terminals connected together. If you check, they sell a few different types and sizes. And lots of decoupling caps too - 0.1 uF work well. Tom

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  • I cannot demonstrate a circuit right now, doing yard work at the moment.
    However, this will show the idea.

  • Rather than going from power rail to power rail to power rail . . . the idea is to go from the power supply terminals to each power rail.

  • Keep wires short and neat.

  • Each power pin on every I.C. needs a decoupling 100nF ceramic capacitor, unfortunately this image shows non used.

Deal with the broken power rails too.

Colour coding of wiring should be used also.

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Just wondering what's your take on the ATmega1284P?

I could see using AVRs for sub-systems. The 1284 could make a killer multi-SD file server with loads of buffer space and extra UART capable of being a master-mode SPI, read from one SPI bus to write directly to another and still have a UART for highspeed Serial.

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If you are really serious in the developemnt of your dreamed Multiprocessor System, then I would suggest to start with the following Laerning/Training Systems:

1. ATmega328P Learning System - Arduino UNO

2. Z80A Microprocessor Learning System

3, 680000 Microprocessor Learning System

