Atmel IC Arduino

I bought a new arduino. But i didnt realized that this new one is using Atmel IC. My issue is, how to bootloader an Atmel IC? I tried using below setup, but it wont work

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Thanks, this is the new IC tht my board is using

Hi @hisyamhamzaini.

What makes you think you need (or want) to do this?

The bootloader is already installed on the boards when you get them.

Burning the bootloader is only needed in certain very advanced use cases, or in hopes of recovering a board where the bootloader has mysteriously been corrupted or gone missing completely.

I want to do this bcs my new arduino have failed to upload sketch. Based on my readings, I believe its due to bootloader has been corrupted. Below is the error i got when uploading

Hi, @hisyamhamzaini
Welcome to the forum.

Forget about the bootloader for the moment.

When you apply power to the new UNO, does the LED "L" flash?

Did you try loading a sketch from the examples tab?
Like Blink without delay?

Have you confirmed that the USB cable is okay?

Thanks.. Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Hi @TomGeorge

By flash u mean blink?
Upon power on, the "L" led is turned ON. It didnt go OFF.

Yes, I did try to load sketch from examples. But still error.

The USB cable also good. I using the same cable to load my old Arduino

Sorry my english is bad

what operating system are you using?
what version of the Arduino IDE are you using?

some simple tests to try
are you sure you have the correct COM port?
if you run the Device Manager does COM port appear/disappear as plug/unplug the microcontroller?
if not do you get any message, e.g. "USB device not recognized"
disconnect everything (sensors/relays etc) from the board
try a different USB port
try a different USB cable (some are charge only)

1 Like

hi @horace

what operating system are you using?
- Windows10

what version of the Arduino IDE are you using?
- Latest version

are you sure you have the correct COM port?
- Yes, correct. I tried it on my older Arduino. Able to work
if you run the Device Manager does COM port appear/disappear as plug/unplug the microcontroller?
- Yes, it will dissappear once i unplug it
if not do you get any message, e.g. "USB device not recognized"

  • No
    disconnect everything (sensors/relays etc) from the board
    - I dont have any other module hooked up

1.8.19 or 2.3.2
There are differences.

Thanks.. Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Hi Tom,

its version 1.8.19

Can you confirm you have removed all cables including the circled ones from the board before trying to program it?
Connect only the USB cable.

Different Arduinos may get assigned different Com ports…

Hi Rsms,

Yes, I did remove the jumper cables. In fact, the jumper cables you see in the image did not connect to anything.

Then best remove them because the other end can short out pins if they're male-male cables.

Looking at the pictures in your #3 and #12 posts I would guess you have a CH340 USB converter on the new board.
I do not know which chip you have on the working UNO, so, are you sure you have the correct drivers for this one installed?


No one has said this yet, but an "Atmel IC" was the standard Arduino chip, back before Microchip (the company) acquired Atmel (the company) (in 2016. Wow. Seems like it was more recent than that!)
So the chip may be old, or it may even be a counterfeit labeled "Atmel", but if it's actually an Atmel ATmega328p, that shouldn't be a problem (and the standard Uno bootloading procedure should work fine.)

As the Serial Port is detected, it is probable that the driver for CH340 chip has also be loaded during the installation of IDE.

If you think that both boards are bad in respect of corrupted Bootloader Program, then you need a 3rd working Arduino UNO (UNO-1) to store Bootloader Program in your faulty board (UNO-2).

Procedures to Store Bootloader Program in faulty UNO-2:
1. Make connection between working UNO-1 and UNO-2 as per diagram of your post #1.

2. Open IDE and upload "ArduinoISP" sketch from IDE Examples into the working UNO-1.

3. Take the following action:
IDE ----> Tools ----> Programmer: -----> Arduino as ISP

4. Take the following action:
IDE ----> Tools ----> Burn Bootloader

5. Check that yo have got a message on the IDE about the success of Bootloader burning.

6. Take the following action (to store a blinking sketch in the now good UNO-2):
IDE ----> Examples ---> Basics ----> Blink

7. Take the following action:
IDE ----> Sketch ----> Upload Using Programmer

8. Check that the onboard LED (L) of now-good UNO-2 is blinking at 2-sec interval (1-sec On and 1-sec Off).