ATTiny84A-PU Not For New Designs

I received an email from Mouser stating that Microchip has changed the End of Life for the ATTiny84A-PU to not recommended for new designs.

Is there a substitute for this? Something that fits between the ATTiny85 and ATMega328, and can be programmed using Arduino as ISP? I use an Uno to program the 84.


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And you mean it needs to be DIP form factor? No SMD?

The new generation Attiny is SMD only, so I would not be surprised if all DIP packages will be end of life at some point. Maybe this is a good moment to start experimenting with the modern Attinies supported by megaTinyCore.

You can still use them in a breadboard of you solder them on a DIP adapter plate.

I may have jerked my knee too soon. I see the ATTiny84-PU was deemed EOL in about 2015 and they are still available. No need to start stocking up yet.

I like to keep life simple when possible. I'm set in my ways. My system works for me for now. Maybe some day when it's forced on me.

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No……. :frowning: :frowning:

Did some research and found the Attiny4313/2313.


Mouser have a few thousand in stock and they are about £1.50 ea, buy a few and stock up ! ( 25 for £30)

Problem sorted !!

( generally I think dil packages are starting to disappear , problem for all experimenters )

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Which are another 2 years older than the Attiny84.

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I am getting rid of all my DIL packages as the pins are too fragile for experimenting.

This AT85 has been living on it's adapter plate in a drawer for years now. It has sustained an amount of abuse that would have cost his DIL brother all of it's legs.

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Thanks for the Wiki link. I found that helpful.

I realized I overreacted when I received the notice and panicked. There are MANY components out there that have been on the "Not Recommended" list for years and are still available.

I've calmed down

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It's not JUST the tiny84 DIPs that are going EOL. Many DIP devices that are popular in the Arduino community are apparently getting axed, including the ATmega8a, ATmega168P, ATmega32A, and ATmega644P :frowning:

Recent EOL notice
List of affected devices

(The earlier 2015 EOL notice was "retracted", BTW. This is a NEW EOL notice. :frowning: )

Thank you for clarifying this. It all makes sense now.

We can still buy the PIC16F877 all day though, for a price.

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