Hi all,
I'm prototyping an 8x8x8 LED cube. For now I've got a simple 8 LED circuit (2 layers of each 4 LEDs) connected to my arduino uno as per this schematic:
The arduino makes sure each layer gets a 50% duty cycle. VCC is 5V
To scale up to an 8x8x8 cube I'll change the design to have 8 layers with 64 LEDs per layer (and 9 daisy chained shift registers instead of 1).
I noticed that when I upload a new program to my arduino, the previous program hangs for a while (I'm guessing close to half a second), visibly leaving some LEDs hanging in a 100% duty cycle for longer than I'd like.
In the current prototype this doesn't matter, but when scaling up to 8x8x8 I'd like to lower the LED resistors from 220 to 100 Ohm to make up for the duty cycle of only 12.5%. Increasing that temporarily to 100% while uploading would be dangerous.
How can I guard against this 100% duty cycle in the arduino code? Can I somehow programmatically turn all LEDs off before the upload?
The code running on the arduino:
int latchPin = 5;
int clockPin = 6;
int dataPin = 4;
int outputEnablePin = 3;
byte leds = 0;
byte layer1Leds = 0;
byte layer2Leds = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(outputEnablePin, OUTPUT);
// Delay between different pattern steps.
int delayPatternStepMillis = 200;
// Delay for the duty cycle of the LEDs.
int delayBetweenLayersMicros = 500;
void loop() {
layer1Leds = 0;
layer2Leds = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
bitSet(layer1Leds, i);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
bitSet(layer2Leds, i);
void showLeds(int millis) {
int max_i = int (millis * 1000L / delayBetweenLayersMicros);
for (long i = 0; i < max_i; i += 2) {
leds = layer1Leds;
bitSet(leds, 4);
leds = layer2Leds;
bitSet(leds, 5);
void updateShiftRegister() {
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, leds);
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);
void setBrightness(byte brightness) {
analogWrite(outputEnablePin, 255-brightness);