I found on the internet, that I need to connect VCC to 3,3V, GND to GND, ATX (its SDA) to A4, LRX (its SCL) to A5 and I2C to the GND. I also wired S0 and S1 to "-" and I solder an crystal.
My problem is, that when I start some example from adafruit BNO055 (for example "read all data") and upload it, I see on the Serial Monitor just:
"21:41:49.757 -> Orientation Sensor Test
21:41:49.757 ->
21:41:50.611 -> Ooops, no BNO055 detected ... Check your wiring or I2C ADDR!"
So I found on the internet code named i2c scanner. The result is just:
"21:43:38.708 -> Scanning...
21:43:38.708 -> No I2C devices found"
I would like to ask you for helping me. Thanks a lot.
I will try it today, thanks. Is there some special steps when I want to use UART? I know I need to solder S0 and S1 differently and some pins becomes RX and TX so I need to plug those pins to specific pins in Arduino (D1 and D0). Are there some other special steps?
if sensor need high speed you can use software serial on near to any other pins.
i think to switch the mode is pin "I2C" should be connected to other power rail.