Today I attempted to desolder the transducers from an HC-SR04 to make two eyes - one to transmit, the other receive. No luck - when I connected them back to the board w/ wires, they failed to tell the distance.
Could I use 2 intact boards? One to transmit, the other receive? Any other ideas? Thanks.
PS. My soldering skills are atrocious so that could certainly be the culprit.
No, Read the HC-SR04 documentation. It has a microcontroller that does all the work of pulsing the transmitter several times and then switching to receive. The two processes cannot be shared between two boards.
Have you searched for other sensors to do what you want?
Yes, sort of: de-solder the transmitter from the receive board (or block it off so its ping doesn't foul things up). Trigger both boards at the same time (connect both trigger pins to the same Arduino trigger pin), but read only the echo pin from the receive board.
Thanks @DaveEvans and @MrMark! I'll give it a try. An yes aarg, I had a very hard time getting the transducers off and had to pry them so easily could have broken them.
I see one major issue with the Idea to use the sender seperately to the receiver...
The HC-SR04 is sending out an ultrasonic wave and the receiver should receive it.
By measuring the time between sending and receiving the signal back, the distance will be calculated - but this means, that both elements needs to be EXACTLY on the same level.
By using a wire, you can probably place the sender behind the receiver, which will then give a false time back - and therefore, a wrong distance would be calculated.
This might need to be fixed within your code then.
I would just use the area I've highlighted red and put the HC-SR04 there...
Thanks @cchris - yes I think I've bitten off more than I can chew on this idea. The model is scaled down too far for it to fit there, but I think I can put it to the side intact which makes this whole thing WAY easier.