"Burn bootloader" -> Attiny88 can't be programmed by USB [solved]


In order to fix a broken attiny88, I tried to "Burn bootloader" with a working attiny to give it a try.

Unfortunately after doing that, the attiny can no longer be programmed by USB cable as before but only by ISP.
I notice that the red LED no longer flashes when I press reset for example.

So now I have 2 boards that can only be programmed by ISP, which is really not practical (going through an Arduino, connections to be made ...), whereas before it was enough to connect a USB cable and it worked for programming.

Here is what I did to burn my bootloader:
-Install the AttinyCore library
-Load the ArduinoISP script into my Arduino UNO
-Select: Board -> AttinyCore -> ATtiny48/88(No bootloader)
-Clicked on "burn bootloader" and the operation was successful

How can the attiny be programmed again by USB cable?

Solution: :white_check_mark:
Put all the parameters as in the screenshot of @hmeijdam , and select Programmer: Arduino as ISP then click Burn bootloader.

Select optiboot and then do "burn bootloader".

And if that does not work select the one below it (Micronucleus)


I had already tried, unfortunately Optiboot does not change the problem and when I select Micronucleus, the IDE returns "> Please plug in the device (will time out in 60 seconds) ... " (the connections having obviously not been not changed).

And you select "Arduino as ISP" just before you hit "burn bootloader"?

Yes I have selected "Arduino as ISP".

You, when you program by ISP, the board can always be programmed by USB?
And the red LED always flashes on reset ?

I dug up my old MH-Tiny and first burned the bootloader via ISP
Please note that the MH-ET has it's own entry in the list of boards. It's the last of the T88 in the list
I select "fresh install via ISP". then I do Burn Bootloader

After that I can upload via USB over and over again.
When it asks to plug in the board, I press the reset button and the upload starts.


Good evening !

Well ! It works !

It seems to be selecting Fresh Install(via ISP, set fuses) as you showed in the screenshot, which is solved. I don't think I would have ever noticed it on my own, so really thank you.

So now I can program it again by USB and I was also able to repair the other one by the same method.

I sincerely thank you for your help.

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