Cable continuity tester

I want to make a simple cable tester with arduino. Cable consists of 3 wires and tester should test if there is a continuity in each wire. If there is green light is on and if there is not continuity in a single wire red light is on. It should not tell in any way which wire has not got continuity.. Test can be started with a push button or it could be always on with red light and when cable is connected and ok the green light shoukd turn on...
Any help is welcome.

Start with a site search of 'cable tester'. It's been done before.

To complex ??
Connect the ends of the far end Of the cable together . Connect two bulbs/leds to a battery + and the other side to two of the wires at the near end .
Connect the third wire at the near end to the -. If both lamps light the cable is ok .

One or more out , then you have a fault .

This would appear to be a school level project.
I guess that we assume that the wires in the cable are not marked/colour-coded otherwise the exercise would be too trivial. You are testing for continuity only. Not short circuits.
You need 6 Arduino pins. Pins a, b and c are connected to the wires at one end of the cable.
These are output pins and will normally be high.
Pins d, e and f are connected to the wires at the other end of the cable and are input pins with the internal pull-up resistor enabled.
To test if the wire connected to pin a , pull pin a low and cycle through pins d, e and f to see which is low. If none are low, there is a break somewhere. Repeat this.
Look at using two “for loops”.

You need 6 Arduino pins. Pins a, b and c are connected to the wires at one end of the cable.
These are output pins and will normally be high.
Pins d, e and f are connected to the wires at the other end of the cable and are input pins with the internal pull-up resistor enabled.

Not arguing, just asking. Would not four pins work? Make three at one end common as one input (pullup?) then step through the other end switching each from input to low and back while monitoring the common end.

Mine only uses “3 pins”...

Mine only uses “3 pins”...

Rereading the requirement:

It should not tell in any way which wire has not got continuity.

it should be doable with only one pin used.