I found a few unused stepper motor PK243M-01AA-C3(link below) lying around. I tried running them with A4988 stepper motor and an stepper motor example using Arduino IDE. But, I could not get it to work. I tried different drivers and different motors. But still it did not work.
Do you think I need any special drivers for this?
It is a DC 4V, 2 phase, 0.95A, 0.9degree step angle.
Post a schematic of how the driver and motor were wired to the Arduino. What Arduino?
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Did you, properly, adjust the coil current limit on the A4988 driver?
4V Stepper? Pretty sure that's not going to work with a 4988 driver. I would stick to normal 12V steppers. And they are $64 each? You can get steppers like this on Amazon for $15 or so...
That stepper should work fine with the A4988. The voltage rating is not relevant.
EDIT: Be sure to set the current limit to 0.67 A, (bipolar series connection) or less. Use a power supply of 12-24V, capable of supplying 2A or higher.
You would be wrong. I use low voltage steppers all the time. Powered with 12V up to the limit of the A4988 driver (35V). The voltage of the stepper motor is not really relevant. The driver controls the current (as set with the coil current limit adjustment).
The driver needs a minimum motor supply voltage of 8V. The A4988 driver will not work at any lower voltage.
Yes, you can use higher voltages than the stepper is rated for when you use current-limiting stepper drivers like the A4988.
The stepper's rated voltage, 4V in your case, is for driving the steppers without current limiting drivers. You could take the 4V and 0.95A and calculate the coil resistance of 4.2 ohms. The Pololu A4988 says its works for 8-35V, which would seem out of range, but that is the driver input voltage. At the minimum 8V through the 4.2 ohms, it would be 1.9A at full throttle. A driver like the A4988 can do 50% PWM to keep it at an average of 0.95A
However, in order to safely use voltages above the rated voltage of a stepper motor, the coil current must be actively limited to keep it from exceeding the motor’s rated current.
So, Yes, the A4988 driver can run stepper motors within its input voltage range, and, when properly adjusted, can control stepper motors with ratings below the driver's input range.
If your stepper is bipolar, the A4988 will work. But, the motor supply voltage must be over 8V and under 35V. And the coil current limit must be properly set.