Cannot install a new board after adding URL to preferences

Describe the bug
After adding a URL to the boards manager URL, the board never shows up in the list.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Preferences
  2. Click on Additional boards dialog box.
  3. Delete existing URL (cannot add multiple URLs as the "enter additional URL box does not allow to be expanded.)
  4. Paste new URL in box.
  5. Click the OK button
  6. Check boards manager for new board
  7. Restart IDE so trigger loading of new boards.

Expected behavior
Package index is downloaded after adding a new URL to File > Preferences > Additional Boards Manager URLs.


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10 64
  • Version: IDE 2.0.0-rc5

Additional context
I have tried to copy many different boards, no difference. I have shut my antivirus down to prevent it from interrupting.

Hi @azzkikin

Adding the URL to the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" only causes the boards platform to be available for installation via the Arduino IDE Boards Manager. You won't see the boards of that platform under the Tools > Board menu of the Arduino IDE until after you have done that installation.

Please try this:

  1. If it is not already open, Select Tools > Board > Boards Manager... from the Arduino IDE menus to open the "Boards Manager" view in the sidebar on the left side of the Arduino IDE.
  2. Scroll down through the list of available boards platforms until you see "attiny by David A. Mellis". Click on it.
  3. Click the INSTALL button.
  4. Wait for the installation to finish.
  5. Select Tools > Board from the Arduino IDE menus.

You should see a "ATtiny Microcontrollers" menu item that contains the boards of David Mellis's "ATtiny Microcontrollers" platform.

Please let me know if you have any problems or questions while following those instructions.

You can add multiple URLs to the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" field by separating them with commas. For example, if you wanted to have both the David Mellis ATtiny URL and the ESP8266 URL, you would add this:,

Hi @kolaha. That only works with Arduino IDE 1.x. azzkikin is using Arduino IDE 2.x, which currently has this bug that causes the multi-line field in the convenience "Additional Boards Manager URLs" dialog to be unusably short:

ah, now I see.

After adding the URL for the " attiny by David A. Mellis" and going to the board manager in the sidebar, no new boards or the attiny shows up. I have tried a few different boards, none appear. Is there a dialog box or rotating clock to show some kind of activity? So I can see if it is at least attempting to process the URL or checking for any updates on startup?

At this time, the Arduino IDE 2.x only processes the URLs at start up. It only shows the process in the command line output.

You should see something like this in the output:

daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root INFO Updating index: package_damellis_attiny_index.json completed.

Since it is showing the output from multiple operations running in parallel, there might be some other unrelated lines of output in between those.

You will also see a scary looking line like this:

daemon INFO Checking signature [error: opening signature file: open c:\Users\per\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_damellis_attiny_index.json.sig: The system cannot find the file specified., index: c:\Users\per\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_damellis_attiny_index.json, signaturefile: c:\Users\per\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_damellis_attiny_index.json.sig]

But this is normal and expected for any 3rd party Boards Manager URL (only the official one is signed).

If you would like to post your command line output here, I'll be glad to take a look and see if I can spot a problem. I'll provide the instructions you can follow to get the command line output:

  1. Start File Explorer (AKA "Windows Explorer").
  2. Open the Arduino IDE installation folder
    (usually C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE or C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE).
  3. In the folder listing of the Arduino IDE installation folder, hold the Shift key while clicking the right hand button on the mouse.
  4. From the context menu, click "Open PowerShell window here".
    PowerShell will now open with the current directory set to the Arduino IDE installation folder.
  5. Type & ".\Arduino IDE".
  6. Press the Enter key.
    Debug output should now be printed to the PowerShell window as the Arduino IDE starts (or fails to start).
  7. Wait for the Arduino IDE to finish starting, or failing to start.
  8. Switch back to the PowerShell window if the Arduino IDE window took the focus.
  9. Right click on the title bar of the PowerShell window.
    This will open a context menu.
  10. Select Edit > Select All from the context menu.
    This will select all the text in the PowerShell window.
  11. Press Ctrl+C.
    This will copy the contents of the PowerShell window to the clipboard.
  12. Open a forum reply here by clicking the Reply button.
  13. Click the </> icon on the post composer toolbar.
    This will add the forum's code block markup (```) to your reply to make sure the error messages are correctly formatted.
    Code block
  14. Press Ctrl+V.
    This will paste the output into the code block.
  15. Move the cursor outside of the code block markup before you add any additional text to your reply.
  16. Click the Reply button to post the output.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems while following those instructions.

Oh nice. Thank you, I will try soon as I get back in front of the computer that has the software.

I guess I am not very computer lingo savvy. I get the debug program to start. What is step 5?

Hi @azzkikin. There are two problems:

You opened the wrong folder

C:\Users\azzki\.arduinoIDE is the Arduino IDE configuration folder, which only contains the data for your settings.

You need to open PowerShell at the Arduino IDE installation folder, where the Arduino IDE.exe file is located.

You are running the wrong command

Copy the exact command I provided. The quotes are essential:

& ".\Arduino IDE"
PS C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE> & ".\Arduino IDE"
PS C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE>
Starting backend process. PID: 22192
Using browser-only version of superagent in non-browser environment
Configuring to accept webviews on '^.+\.webview\..+$' hostname.
root INFO Configuration directory URI: 'file:///c%3A/Users/azzki/.theia'
root INFO Theia app listening on http://localhost:52227.
root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/c%3A/Users/azzki/.arduinoIDE/plugins does not exist.
root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/c%3A/Users/azzki/.arduinoIDE/extensions does not exist.
root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:C:\Users\azzki\.arduinoProIDE\plugins does not exist.
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "cortex-debug" to a VS Code extension "cortex-debug@0.3.10" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-arduino-tools" to a VS Code extension "vscode-arduino-tools@0.0.2-beta.2" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-cpp" to a VS Code extension "cpp@1.52.1" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-json" to a VS Code extension "json@1.46.1" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-json-language-features" to a VS Code extension "json-language-features@1.46.1" with engines:
root WARN Backend DefaultWorkspaceServer.onStart is slow, took: 2300.7 ms
root INFO Deploying backend plugin "cortex-debug@0.3.10" from "C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\cortex-debug\extension\dist\extension"
root INFO Deploying backend plugin "vscode-arduino-tools@0.0.2-beta.2" from "C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-arduino-tools\extension\dist\bundle"
root INFO Deploying backend plugin "cpp@1.52.1" from "C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-builtin-cpp\extension"
root INFO Deploying backend plugin "json@1.46.1" from "C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-builtin-json\extension"
root INFO Deploying backend plugin "json-language-features@1.46.1" from "C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-builtin-json-language-features\extension\client\dist\jsonMain"
root INFO Deploy plugins list took: 2338.8 ms
daemon INFO Starting daemon from C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\arduino-ide-extension\build\arduino-cli.exe...
root WARN Backend ConfigServiceImpl.onStart is slow, took: 120.6 ms
daemon INFO Using config file: c:\Users\azzki\.arduinoIDE\arduino-cli.yaml
daemon INFO arduino-cli.exe version 0.21.0
daemon INFO Executing `arduino-cli daemon`
daemon INFO Setting up Prometheus metrics on :9090/metrics
daemon INFO {"IP":"","Port":"52229"}
daemon INFO Daemon is running.
daemon INFO Adding libraries dir [dir: c:\Users\azzki\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino\libraries, location: user]
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root INFO Git askpass helper is listening on
root WARN Frontend CommonFrontendContribution.configure is slow, took: 400.8 ms
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/body-parser
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/cookie
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/dompurify
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/express
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/fs-extra
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/lodash.debounce
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/lodash.throttle
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/markdown-it
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react-dom
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react-virtualized
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/route-parser
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/safer-buffer
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/ws
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/yargs
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/monaco
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/editor
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/multer
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/rimraf
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/tar-fs
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/uuid
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/navigator
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/p-queue
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/preferences
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/editor-preview
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/keymaps
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/messages
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/diff
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/mime
root WARN Failed to resolve module: filenamify
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/request
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/atob
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/auth0-js
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/btoa
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/dateformat
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/deepmerge
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/glob
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/google-protobuf
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/js-yaml
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/keytar
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/ncp
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/node-fetch
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/ps-tree
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react-select
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react-tabs
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/temp
root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/which
root ERROR Error: Git installation not found.
    at C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\find-git-exec\lib\find-git-exec.js:85:69
    at async DefaultGitInit.init (C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\arduino-ide-extension\lib\node\theia\git\git-init.js:22:49)
root ERROR DefaultJsonSchemaContribution.registerSchemas is taking more than 500.0 ms, new schemas are ignored.
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 0.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 1.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 2.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 3.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 4.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 5.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 6.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 7.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 8.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 9.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 0.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 1.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 2.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 3.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 4.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 5.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 6.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 7.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 8.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 9.
daemon INFO Checking signature [index: c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_index.json, signaturefile: c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_index.json.sig, trusted: true]
root ERROR Loading index file: loading json index file c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_CircuitMess_Ringo_index.json: open c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_CircuitMess_Ringo_index.json: The system cannot find the file specified.
root ERROR Loading index file: loading json index file c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_damellis_attiny_index.json: open c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_damellis_attiny_index.json: The system cannot find the file specified.
daemon INFO Loading hardware from: c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages
daemon INFO Loading package arduino from: C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware
daemon INFO Checking signature [error: opening signature file: open C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\avr\1.8.5\installed.json.sig: The system cannot find the file specified., index: C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\avr\1.8.5\installed.json, signaturefile: C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\avr\1.8.5\installed.json.sig]
daemon INFO Adding monitor tool [protocol: serial, tool: builtin:serial-monitor]
daemon INFO Loaded platform [platform: {ID:"arduino:avr",Installed:"1.8.5",Latest:"1.8.5",Name:"Arduino AVR Boards"}]
daemon INFO Checking existence of 'tools' path: C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\tools
daemon INFO Loading tools from dir: C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\tools
daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 1.3.0 Systems: [OS: i686-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-linux-gnu, OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: aarch64-linux-gnu, OS: i386-apple-darwin11, OS: i686-mingw32]]
daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino7 Systems: [OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: aarch64-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-apple-darwin14, OS: i686-mingw32, OS: i686-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-linux-gnu]]
daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 6.3.0-arduino17 Systems: [OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: aarch64-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-apple-darwin12, OS: x86_64-linux-gnu, OS: i686-linux-gnu, OS: i686-mingw32]]
daemon INFO Loading package builtin from: C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\builtin
daemon INFO Checking existence of 'tools' path: C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\builtin\tools
daemon INFO Loading tools from dir: C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\builtin\tools
daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 5.8-arduino11 Systems: [OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, OS: i686-mingw32, OS: x86_64-apple-darwin, OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: aarch64-linux-gnu]]
daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 1.0.5 Systems: [OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, OS: i686-mingw32, OS: x86_64-mingw32, OS: x86_64-apple-darwin, OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: arm64-linux-gnueabihf]]
daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 1.3.2 Systems: [OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, OS: i686-mingw32, OS: x86_64-mingw32, OS: x86_64-apple-darwin, OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: arm64-linux-gnueabihf]]
daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 0.9.1 Systems: [OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, OS: i686-mingw32, OS: x86_64-mingw32, OS: x86_64-apple-darwin, OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: arm64-linux-gnueabihf]]
daemon INFO Adding libraries dir [dir: C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\avr\1.8.5\libraries, location: platform]
daemon INFO starting discovery builtin:serial-discovery process
daemon INFO starting discovery builtin:mdns-discovery process
daemon INFO started discovery builtin:serial-discovery process
daemon INFO sending command HELLO 1 "arduino-cli 0.21.0" to discovery builtin:serial-discovery
daemon INFO started discovery builtin:mdns-discovery process
daemon INFO sending command HELLO 1 "arduino-cli 0.21.0" to discovery builtin:mdns-discovery
daemon INFO from discovery builtin:serial-discovery received message type: hello, message: OK, protocol version: 1
daemon INFO from discovery builtin:mdns-discovery received message type: hello, message: OK, protocol version: 1
daemon INFO sending command START_SYNC to discovery builtin:mdns-discovery
daemon INFO sending command START_SYNC to discovery builtin:serial-discovery
daemon INFO from discovery builtin:mdns-discovery received message type: start_sync, message: OK
daemon INFO from discovery builtin:serial-discovery received message type: start_sync, message: OK
daemon INFO from discovery builtin:serial-discovery received message type: add, port: COM3
root ERROR Request repositories failed with error: Git could not be found at the expected path: 'C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\dugite-no-gpl\git\cmd\git.exe'. This might be a problem with how the application is packaged, so confirm this folder hasn't been removed when packaging.
root WARN Frontend EditorNavigationContribution.onStart is slow, took: 48288.6 ms
root WARN Frontend WorkspaceService.onStart is slow, took: 276.1 ms
root INFO Board config changed:
root INFO Board config changed:
root INFO Changed application state from 'init' to 'started_contributions'.
root INFO Changed application state from 'started_contributions' to 'attached_shell'.
root INFO >>> Restoring the layout state...
Checking for update
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75] Waiting for backend deployment took: 313.4 ms [Finished 51.084 s after frontend start]
root INFO Board config changed:
root INFO [hosted-plugin: 29836] PLUGIN_HOST(29836) starting instance
serial-service INFO >>> Disposing serial connection...
serial-service WARN <<< Not connected. Nothing to dispose.
serial-service INFO >>> Disposing serial connection...
serial-service WARN <<< Not connected. Nothing to dispose.
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75] Sync of 5 plugins took: 255.7 ms [Finished 51.340 s after frontend start]
Update for version 2.0.0-rc5 is not available (latest version: 2.0.0-rc5, downgrade is allowed).
root INFO <<< The layout has been successfully restored.
root INFO Changed application state from 'attached_shell' to 'initialized_layout'.
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75][marus25.cortex-debug]: Loaded contributions.
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75][arduino.vscode-arduino-tools]: Loaded contributions.
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75][vscode.cpp]: Loaded contributions.
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75][vscode.json]: Loaded contributions.
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75][vscode.json-language-features]: Loaded contributions.
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75] Load contributions of 5 plugins took: 98.9 ms [Finished 52.457 s after frontend start]
root INFO Finished loading frontend application after 52.505 seconds
root WARN 'cpp' language is remapped from 'source.cpp.embedded.macro' to 'source.cpp' scope
root WARN a registered grammar configuration for 'cpp' language is overridden
root INFO [hosted-plugin: 29836] PLUGIN_HOST(29836): PluginManagerExtImpl/init()
root INFO [hosted-plugin: 29836] PLUGIN_HOST(29836): initializing(cortex-debug@0.3.10 with C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\@theia\plugin-ext-vscode\lib\node\plugin-vscode-init)
root INFO [hosted-plugin: 29836] Debugger contribution has been registered: cortex-debug
root INFO [hosted-plugin: 29836] PLUGIN_HOST(29836): initializing(vscode-arduino-tools@0.0.2-beta.2 with C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\@theia\plugin-ext-vscode\lib\node\plugin-vscode-init)
root INFO [hosted-plugin: 29836] PLUGIN_HOST(29836): initializing(cpp@1.52.1 with C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\@theia\plugin-ext-vscode\lib\node\plugin-vscode-init)
root INFO [hosted-plugin: 29836] PLUGIN_HOST(29836): initializing(json@1.46.1 with C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\@theia\plugin-ext-vscode\lib\node\plugin-vscode-init)
root INFO [hosted-plugin: 29836] PLUGIN_HOST(29836): initializing(json-language-features@1.46.1 with C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\@theia\plugin-ext-vscode\lib\node\plugin-vscode-init)
root INFO [hosted-plugin: 29836] PLUGIN_HOST(29836): PluginManagerExtImpl/loadPlugin(C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-builtin-json-language-features\extension\client\dist\jsonMain)
root INFO [hosted-plugin: 29836] PLUGIN_HOST(29836): PluginManagerExtImpl/loadPlugin(C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-arduino-tools\extension\dist\bundle)
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75][marus25.cortex-debug]: Started plugin.
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75][arduino.vscode-arduino-tools]: Started plugin.
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75][vscode.cpp]: Started plugin.
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75][vscode.json]: Started plugin.
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75][vscode.json-language-features]: Started plugin.
root INFO [ac50f131-ed65-4e2c-a13c-c82ba7c93d75] Start of 5 plugins took: 751.6 ms [Finished 53.214 s after frontend start]
root INFO Starting language server: arduino:avr:uno
root INFO Changed application state from 'initialized_layout' to 'ready'.
daemon INFO inventory.Store.ConfigFileUsed() c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\inventory.yaml
daemon INFO inventory.Store.ConfigFileUsed() c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\inventory.yaml
daemon INFO Searching tools required for board arduino:avr:uno
daemon INFO Required tool [tool: {ToolName:"arduinoOTA",ToolVersion:"1.3.0",ToolPackager:"arduino"}]
daemon INFO Required tool [tool: {ToolName:"avr-gcc",ToolVersion:"7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino7",ToolPackager:"arduino"}]
daemon INFO Required tool [tool: {ToolName:"avrdude",ToolVersion:"6.3.0-arduino17",ToolPackager:"arduino"}]
daemon INFO Adding libraries dir [dir: C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\avr\1.8.5\libraries, location: platform]
daemon INFO Adding libraries dir [dir: c:\Users\azzki\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino\libraries, location: user]
root ERROR Request repositories failed with error: Git could not be found at the expected path: 'C:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\dugite-no-gpl\git\cmd\git.exe'. This might be a problem with how the application is packaged, so confirm this folder hasn't been removed when packaging.
daemon INFO Resolving include SPI.h for arch avr
daemon INFO   found better lib [lib: SPI, prio: 64C]
[30288:0315/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled, ANGLE is

I think this is what you are looking for.

it shows that the IDE was not able to download the files:

root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 0.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 1.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 2.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 3.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 4.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 5.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 6.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 7.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 8.
daemon INFO URL:
daemon INFO Updating index [url:]
root ERROR Error while updating index in attempt 9.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 0.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 1.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 2.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 3.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 4.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 5.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 6.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 7.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 8.
daemon INFO Updating libraries index
root ERROR Error while updating library index in attempt 9.
daemon INFO Checking signature [index: c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_index.json, signaturefile: c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_index.json.sig, trusted: true]
root ERROR Loading index file: loading json index file c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_CircuitMess_Ringo_index.json: open c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_CircuitMess_Ringo_index.json: The system cannot find the file specified.
root ERROR Loading index file: loading json index file c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_damellis_attiny_index.json: open c:\Users\azzki\AppData\Local\Arduino15\package_damellis_attiny_index.json: The system cannot find the file specified.

Is your computer connected to the Internet?

Did you click the Allow access button when you were asked by "Windows Defender Firewall" whether you wanted to allow the Arduino IDE to access the Internet?

It is connected and it has approval.
Screenshot 2022-03-15 193758

Try checking the box under "Private" that is to the right of "Arduino IDE", "arduino ide.exe", "arduino -cli", and "arduino-cli.exe", then restart the Arduino IDE and see if the platform is shown in the Boards Manager this time.

It is more likely you are on a "Private" network at your home than a "Public" network (e.g,, a public hotspot), where you might want to be more restrictive of applications using the untrusted network.

Went back to do as you mentioned and the Arduino, in fact a lot of apps are missing. Do they change status if defender is on or off?
I have turned off Defender, added Arduino to the allowed list, Turned off the Bitdefender, Changed networks, Changed wifi routers, Used a mobile hotspot. Nothing I do has helped. I guess I will try loading to another computer.

Screenshot 2022-03-15 203857

Tried an PC on the same network and it loaded just fine. Now to figure out what the difference is between the laptop and the PC.
They are both on the wifi to the network. Only difference in firewall is the PC is Mcafee and the Laptop is Windows Defender and Bitdefedenfer.

You could do a quick experiment by :warning: TEMPORARILY :warning: disabling Bitdefender for a single Arduino IDE startup and Boards Manager attempt to see if the problem goes away, then immediately turn the firewall back on after that.

If the problem no longer occurs with it disabled, it will indicate that Bitdefender is interfering with the Arduino IDE and that you need to adjust its settings.

:warning: Please be cautious about working without the firewall. This is only about temporarily disabling it for a quick test. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, fine. You can go straight to configuring the firewall so that it does not interfere with the Arduino software.

I have tried with it off and disabled also Arduino is on the approved list. No change. I have reloaded the app and it still persists. I do have a different screen on start up on this laptop than I do on the PC it is working on. The PC has a blank code to start a fresh sketch.

Here is another bit of info. I downloaded the Arduino IDE 1.8.19 and installed it and then loaded a board without issue. So why is the Arduino IDE 2.0 RC causing an issue?

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