Card type : ATtiny85 not found

hello everyone, I want to program a ATtiny85 microcontroler.
to do this, I have to select "Tools>Board>ATtiny 85" but i just can't find ATtiny85.
there is my list : (2 attachs)
If anyone knows how to do, thanks for helping me :slight_smile:

You have to get a "Core" for ATiny85 as the standard installation of the IDE does not support ATtiny.

I recommend this core: GitHub - SpenceKonde/ATTinyCore: Arduino core for ATtiny 1634, 828, x313, x4, x41, x5, x61, x7 and x8

There you can find information how to install the core with board manager.

Why do they call them "cores" and not "board definitions" or something explanatory?

I'm fine with sketch meaning program, or even script. It kinda makes sense. But "cores" has always been about hardware, from core memory to multi-core. It's confusing to folks who transition from pc programming to microprocessors. Or to anybody who learned computers in the 1960s.

Kernel is the software version of core. Sticking with the plant-part motif, how about pericarp?

Nice, it works; Thank you

Nice, it works; Thank you

Good to hear!
Thanks for the update.