CCD image Sensor TCD1201C-1 and arduino mega circuits

i would like to know how kann i connect TCD10201C-1 to arduino mega?
how can i readout the data ? do you have idea programm? matlab or python ?

ask manufacturer or reseller for manual and datasheet

You might find these tutorials for the TCD1304 helpful:

One option is to use the interface circuit suggested by the manufacturer, in the data sheet.

yes, with circuit on page 41
and you must be sure pinout is similar to your part

Yes, begin with the suggested added components and connections, and power supplies, then think about what the Arduino software might look like.

See links in posts #2 and #3.

It will be very difficult to get usable data out of that particular sensor with the Arduino Mega. From the questions you are asking, I would guess that your probability of success is essentially zero.

You would have much better luck with the more modern version of that sensor, the TCD1304.

The beginning circuits are shown in the data sheet you linked to. Those show the signals needed from your Arduino and the signals back to your Arduino. You have a lot of work to do before you will have something to connect to your Arduino.

this sensor need 12 V Arduino have only 5 V how kann i get to the 12 V ?

See post #9 for advice.

You really don't have the required background for this project.

How are you powering your Arduino? Try BOOST CONVERTER TO RAISE THE VOLTAGE. the current required at 12 volts is very small.

With the mega you could have more than 800 pixels, but probably not 1 pixel per ADC sample.

It is easy to use the TCD1304 at full speed and full resolution with the Teensy. See this thread for several options.

The Teensy 3.2 works fine, but is out of production. A few are still for sale at various hobby outlets.