Actually I don't know how
but I have found the 51 pin of Arduino mega 2560 is not working.
I have tested by blinking LED.
but this pin is required for MOSI
can I change the MOSI pin with other pin in mega?
No. unfortunately not.
You can try to use MOSI pin on ICSP header, but the chance to resolve the issue is minimal, these pins a just the same
#include <SPI.h>
const int customMISOPin = 48; // Set your custom MISO pin
const int customMOSIPin = 49; // Set your custom MOSI pin
void setup() {
// Set custom MISO and MOSI pins
pinMode(customMISOPin, INPUT);
pinMode(customMOSIPin, OUTPUT);
// Initialize SPI with custom pins
SPCR |= _BV(SPE); // Enable SPI
SPCR |= _BV(MSTR); // Set as Master
SPCR |= _BV(CPOL); // Set clock polarity (customize as needed)
SPCR |= _BV(CPHA); // Set clock phase (customize as needed)
// Set custom pins as MISO and MOSI
SPCR &= ~_BV(MISO); // Clear default MISO pin
SPCR |= (customMISOPin == 50) ? _BV(MISO) : 0; // Set custom MISO pin
SPCR &= ~_BV(MOSI); // Clear default MOSI pin
SPCR |= (customMOSIPin == 51) ? _BV(MOSI) : 0; // Set custom MOSI pin
// Set clock and data mode
// Uncomment and customize as needed
// SPCR |= _BV(SPR1); // Set clock frequency (customize as needed)
// SPCR |= _BV(SPR0);
void loop() {
// Your main code goes here
// Example: Sending data using SPI
digitalWrite(SS, LOW); // Set slave select LOW to enable communication
SPI.transfer(YourData); // Replace YourData with the actual data you want to send
digitalWrite(SS, HIGH); // Set slave select HIGH to end communication
// Your loop code continues here
is that code will work to change the miso and mosi pins?
The MEGA2560 has no functionality to remap the SPI hardware interface onto other pins.
You can use a software SPI library and use any pins you like - as far as I know....
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