Hi all, I have seen that there were posts on Arduino-code for the ultrasonic sensor car / robotics car kit 87288 / Robotbil - startpakke, that were closed although not really solved. Please find some code that works below.
Note the following issues:
- the other posts I found in this forum used digitalWrite to control the motors, but with analogWrite it is also possible to control the speed. But then you have to make sure that the correct pins are used to control the motors. I have used the PWM pins 6 and 11 for the left motor/wheel, and 3 and 5 for the right motor/wheel (these pins (use "S" row) should then connect to the IN1 to IN4 pins on the motor board L298N). I connected the servo-motor to pin-column 12 (make sure that the orange cable connects to the "S" pin of that column).
- I set the default motor speed to "100" but you can set it up to 255.
- One of my motors was broken (the motor was turning, but not the wheel), which made the robot spin when the motors turned on. (Had to exchange it.) Another user also reported this problem in their post. So if the robot is just spinning then double-check the motors.
- My left motor is running slightly slower than the right motor, so to prevent the robot from driving with a slight leftward-bias I added a bit speed when driving forward, that is why one of the lines towards the end includes "speedSetting + 10".
I do hope that this code will work for you and that it will provide you with a nice basis to develop your robotic car robot further!
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo; // Create servo object
int pinLF = 6; // Set to control the left forward wheel
int pinLB = 11; // Set to control the left backward wheel
int pinRF = 3; // Set to control the right forward wheel
int pinRB = 5; // Set to control the right backward wheel
int trigPin = A1; // Trigger Pin of Ultrasonic Sensor
int echoPin = A0; // Echo Pin of Ultrasonic Sensor
int speedSetting = 100; // Motor speed
void setup() {
pinMode(pinLF, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinLB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinRF, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinRB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // Sets the trigPin as an OUTPUT
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as an INPUT
myservo.attach(12); // Attach servo on pin 12
int readDistance() {
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
long duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
return duration * 0.034 / 2;
void loop() {
int distance = readDistance();
if (distance < 40) {
// Stop
digitalWrite(pinLF, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinLB, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinRF, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinRB, LOW);
// Measure to the left
int leftDistance = readDistance();
// Measure to the right
int rightDistance = readDistance();
// Reset servo to center
// if there are less than 30 cm in either direction then reverse for 1.5 second and stop.
if (leftDistance < 25 || rightDistance < 25){
analogWrite(pinLF, 0);
analogWrite(pinLB, speedSetting);
analogWrite(pinRF, 0);
analogWrite(pinRB, speedSetting);
// Stop
digitalWrite(pinLF, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinLB, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinRF, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinRB, LOW);
// Measure again to the left
leftDistance = readDistance();
// Measure again to the right
rightDistance = readDistance();
// Reset servo to center
// Turn in the direction with more space
if (leftDistance > rightDistance) {
// Turn LEFT for 400 ms
analogWrite(pinLF, 0);
analogWrite(pinLB, speedSetting);
analogWrite(pinRF, speedSetting);
analogWrite(pinRB, 0);
} else {
// Turn RIGHT for 400 ms
analogWrite(pinLF, speedSetting);
analogWrite(pinLB, 0);
analogWrite(pinRF, 0);
analogWrite(pinRB, speedSetting);
} else {
// Move forward if no obstacle is detected within 35 cm
// Left forward motor has +10 here because my left motor is slightly slower than the right one
analogWrite(pinLF, speedSetting + 10);
analogWrite(pinLB, 0);
analogWrite(pinRF, speedSetting);
analogWrite(pinRB, 0);
delay(250); // Drive for 250 ms