Confusing TFT LCD 3.9 ", how to connect?

Confusing TFT LCD 3.9 ", how to connect?
(Непонятный TFT LCD 3.9", как подключить?)

Bought on the LCD Alliexpres and cant hook it,
arduino conclusions do not match,
I had a part of solder,
on the labeling of the conclusions there,
I can not find the library,
All white screen,
give what you can.

(Купил LCD на Alliexpres и немогу его подключить,
выводы с arduino не совпадают,
пришлось часть припаивать,
на выводах маркировки нет,
не могу подобрать библиотеку,
всё время белый экран,
помогите чем сможете.)

Foto (Фото)

Your photos show a MEGA2560 Shield with 8-bit interface. (5 resistor-packs)
It looks as if the 8-bit interface is using PORTC instead of PORTA. Just test continuity between RP1 and D28 for PORTC (or D22 if PORTA)

Regarding your poor mating experience:

  1. Nature makes boys and girls
  2. Every male pin should be inserted into the corresponding female socket.

I suspect that you need to straighten the JP4 male header and the female socket. Then Nature will be satisfied.
