Hi Sir,
I found lot of Variant in the IC Atmega328 which leads to confusion to select the IC for my custom application Design using this ATmega328 IC. I found lot of Variant like:
In P-Dip package:
In TQFP Package: (Temperature : -40'c to 105'C)
In TQFP Package:(Temperature: -40'C to 85'C)
In TQFP Package (PB Series):(Temp: -40 to 105'C)
Atmega328PB- AN
In TQFP Package (PB Series):(Temp: -40 to 85'C)
Atmega328PB- AU
Kindly guide me to select which is the running Model and which is the obsolete Part number to design my custom application board using the ATmega328 IC.
I am using Aruduino UNO board which i was working have Atmega328P-PU (28 Pin P-DIP Package). Kindly guide me to select the IC Part.
Hi Sir, Thanks for the reply. With the reference Circuit of Atmega328P-PU (28 Pin P-Dip Package) used in Arduino UNO Circuit. We will design for the ATMega328PB? Same Functionality in the Pins like SPI, I2C, Usart, External interrupts, ADC pins. To program the chip, Serial to USB convertor using ATmega16U2. To directly download the Program through ICSP Port into the chip Atmega328PB? I have the Circuit of Arduino UNO board with me. The same can be done using this chip?
Developing the Software code in Arduino UNO board using arduino IDE for the ATmega328P-PU IC. Only change is to route the Pins according to the PB series Atmega328 Pinout in the custom board to be done? am i right sir.?
While the PB is the new version, it is currently not used in any Arduino boards, is not available in DIP, and is not quite pin-compatible with the 328P in the SMT packages. It is very similar to the 328P in terms of software - it has some added features, but those need not be visible if you don't use them. (The problem is that many of the "new features" added to the PB use the extra 4 pins available on the SMT package.)
Yes, this means that THE most popular chip used in Arduinos has been delegated by the manufacturer to becoming obsolete.
(Although, just because the chip is NRND doesn't mean it's likely to disappear from the market anytime soon. Microchip has a long history of keeping around "old" chips nearly forever. They just get embarrassingly more expensive than the newer generation. (eg you can still buy PIC16F84A chips (the first flash-based microcontroller to hit the hobbyist market.) They're just 3x the price ($6) of a more modern chip with better features.))
The most likely replacement AVR in 28-pin DIP is probably the AVR-DA series, or maybe the AVR-EA. For about the same prices as a 328p, you get a chip with more memory and more advanced peripherals. Alas, it is also not used in any official Arduino Board (although it software-similar to the ATmeg4809 used on Uno WiFi 2 and Nano Every.)
Hi sir, The speed of the Atmega328PB Series will as same as Atmega328P. Is there any difference in speed performance? That is, 20MHz for External Oscillator and can use Atmega328PB Series with 8Mhz Internal oscillator?
Hi sir. Thanks for the reply. Ok. Either i can use the External Oscillator 16 MHZ or Internal Oscillator 8 MHz in Atmega328PB works for all arduino functions. For internal Oscillator 8 MHz, Arduino Function will work? kindly let us know.
Hi sir, Thanks for the reply. Then i will use 16MHz External Crystal for Atmega328PB. Will this 16 MHZ crystal applicable for Atmega 2560 IC also to work with arduino functions? Kindly let us know.
I have no experience with the 328PB. But to my knowledge it should work with 8 MHz internal. You can select the settings when installing Minicore as already mentioned by @jim-p in post #10.
Underlined the two speed options that you indicated as well as the selected board.
I use the 328P, in the DIL package, to experiment on the breadboard.
For all my own boards I use the 328PB. I need the extra pins and the additional I2C port for some designs. The PB is (at least was) cheaper than the P.
I clock both externally with 16MHz crystal and program them, using "MiniCore", via ISP using a home made programmer based on the 32U4 and "Arduino as ISP". All code, apart from extra pins and ports, are 100% compatible between them.