Controlling Coreless motor using mosfet

Hello, Im new to using the forum so I apologize for any mistakes. Im trying to control a 3.7v 10mA coreless motor using arduino, I`m using a 2n7000 mosfet, 2 18650 batteries ( adding to 8 volts).
I read that the coreless motor pwm frequency is more than 20KHz so I edited the code as such.

The setup is simple :
the gate is to pin 9
the source is to ground
the drain is to terminal of the motor
the other terminal is attached to the positive of the 8 volts

Here is the problem, at pwm 255 , the motor is reading 1.43 volts, and the mosfet heats up a bit.
I don`t understad what is wrong. TIA

#define motor 9   

void setup() {
  pinMode(motor, OUTPUT);

  // 32 KHz
  TCCR1A = (1 << COM1A1) | (1 << WGM11); 
  TCCR1B = (1 << WGM12) | (1 << WGM13) | (1 << CS10); 
  OCR1A = 500; 

void loop() {
  analogWrite(motor, 255); 

Must be the size of half a grain of rice then...

Common coreless motors used for small drones can draw up to 8Amp@4volt.

What a coincidence!!
Even I am trying to make a drone with Coreless motors or micromotors.

  • Model: 716 coreless motor.
  • Shaft Diameter: 0.8mm.
  • Rod Length: 8.2 mm.
  • Motor Diameter: 7 mm.
  • Motor Length: 16.5mm.
  • Wire Connection (10cm): Red (Positive Pole), Blue (Negative Pole)
  • Voltage Range: 1V to 3.7V.
  • Current: 0.01 A.
  • Speed: 50000 RPM. (at 3.7V)

I am really stuck here, when I connect a dc geared motor (the yellow one) it works properly so I don`t get the problem.

My coreless motors work on 3.7v. I think the mosfet is trying to reduce voltage by turning it into heat.

which mosfet are you using?

You must have a different definition of small.

Using conservative calculations

A 250 mAH cell can

run 4 14x7 brushless cordless motors

for a 5 minutes flight

which woukd be ~4 amperes continuous current

or about 1 ampere per motor.

I would say 8 Amps at some point isn't impossible, 2 amps per motor.

I'm more curious about

Since motors don't have a "pwm frequency" other than someone's recommendation. I want to read that for myself to see who said and what else.


Why are you running a 3.7V motor on 7.4V?
Could that be the problem?

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She said N type but she didn't say the no.
Example- Irz44n

Tell it not to.

That is to say, that's not how MOSFETs in a circuit like this work. They do no thinking or trying, they are supposed to turn on and off.

Draw a proper schematic and say what part that is. Are you sure it is a MOSFET, and that you are meeting its gate voltage for getting a low resistance on state?


Coreless motors should be used with High Frequency Multifunction Decoders . Some manufacturers recommend a PWM frequency greater than 20kHz. This increases the motor's impedance when driven by a multifunction decoder's motor drive circuits. Not all manufacturers will publish the PWM frequency in their literature.

Coreless Motor - DCCWiki.

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I am using Irfz44n

I said 2n7000 in the post

Im using an arduino uno and a servo besides the motor so I have to power them up. For clarification, Im not using the srvo right now I`m just testing the brushless motor

OK, no need to be rude

I am really sorry, this wasn`t my intention. I only just meant to clarify. Sorry again.

If you are in India then you can buy from this link

It's okay

Fine but what voltage are you applying to the motor 3.7V or 7.4V?