Converter 12 to 3.3 V connect question


I have this dc dc regulator:

Mini DC-DC 12-24V To 5V 3A Step Down Power Supply Module Buck Converter

image image

How to connect?
VO+ = 3.3v (connect solder pads and cut ADJ line)
GND Common 12 and 3.3
IN = 12V DC
EN = ? is this an enable pin, shall it be fed with +12V?


leave float for enable, ground to shut down.

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Did it not come with instructions?

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We would be guessing just like you.


He he, aliexpress bonus gift....
may be this one, look at line 9


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I have the exact same boards. Leave EN floating (don't connect anything to it) and it will work just fine. However, be careful with these. If you want to use the static setting you have to cut WAY through the trace at the top to get it to work. I shorted out two of them before I figured that out.


datasheet_77.pdf (652.1 KB)

Or, maybe, tweak the danged pot ?
(Voltmeter not included.)


in data sheet its written

EN=1 to enable the MP2315. External clock can be applied to EN pin for changing
switching frequency.

Do this mean that input voltage shall be added to EN to "start it up"?

Enable/SYNC control on page 10 of data sheet explains.

Thanks @jim-p!

I have eyes, but.....

I will feed it with 12V, and then must add a resistor of 100k

Q: How can I satisfy the 100uA demand, I expect the circuit to "drag as much as it drags"...

To be curious, why would one sync the clock? What is then the usage? I "only" need 3.3V to my ESP32.

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It't not a demand it's an upper limit. The EN input is clamped to 6.5V. To make sure the current is less than 100uA we use ohms law R=E/I, so (12-6.5)/100uA = 55K minimum. So 100K would be OK.

Why sync the clock?
If you were using 4 of the ICs in a multiphase converter, you might want to clock each IC with clocks that are 90 degrees out of phase. That way the current demands on a single input source don't all occur at the same time,

Thanks for good info.
I get the grasp for syncing, but so far this is not whats in my scope.

I could maybe use EN to save power on my battery drifted system, deep sleep esp after switch off converter.

Ohh, I did cut the adj, i should probably done nothing...

New epoxide coming


Test, brand new board.

Not as expected, same result with or without EN to +

Stable at 4,7 V

Any comment?

3.3 shorted, ADJ disabed

~8 V input

4.7 output

You cut in the wrong place.

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After posting, I took some time to reflect on it. However, I realized my mistake a bit too late, so I will check again tomorrow.

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