Converting 12V AC LED modules to DC

Hi all,

TLDR: Can anyone help me to modify these boards to run on 12V DC?
(See image linked below)

I ordered some 12V LED modules intended to run on 12V DC.
Turns out they run on 12V AC :frowning:

Instead of trying to convert DC to AC I would like to ask if it's possible/feasible
to modify the circuit of these boards so they can run on 12V DC.

The linked image shows the back side of these boards.

This is not my field of expertise but diodes D1/2/3/4 look like a rectifier right?
Could it be as simple as putting 12V DC on the rectifier output?
At this point I'm not sure yet what the +/- output is.

Would be great if someone could shed a light on this.

Thanks in advance.

It looks like a full bridge rectifier and should work if you power it with DC normally.

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One potential problem, if trying to use with a PWM signal for dimming the capacitor will interfere and should be removed.

Ok, wait, are you saying it should work without modification when I apply 12V DC?
Kinda makes sense since only "one side' of the full bridge rectifier would be 'used/active'
I could just that try since I have 10 of these anyway :slight_smile:

MarshaJ847: I'm not planning on dimming (for now)

Yes. If for whatever reason you want to make it more efficient and bypass the diodes, I'd attach to the legs of the capacitor, but not necessary.

You will lose 2 diode voltage drops, about 1.4V, but you probably won't even notice

Pin 3 is a logic level pin for use with PMW according to the data sheet, if you want to dim it.

I just connected one to a 12V DC supply at it just works :slight_smile:
I can also reverse the polarity, still works.

These turn out to be pretty awesome 12V AC/DC LED boards (for my needs):
google EAN code: 5907418756695

The light is bright enough so not an actual need to bypass diodes now.

But many thanks for the extra info on bypassing the cap and possibly dimming by using pin 3 for PWM. I'd have to look into that though.

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