Copy from Serial Monitor - absolutely need solution

My entire project relies on copy from Serial Monitor to Excel. As many have noted, can't copy from Serial Monitor in IDE 1.8.19

What is work-around?
? alternate IDE?
? alternate way to copy paste? (I use Ctrl+C in Windows)
? Screen scrape?
? output to other than Ser Mon?
? install downgrade IDE?
? somehow start / end / stop autoscroll / time the copy?
? run in Mac OS?
? Some kind of browser-based IDE?

Entire project is dead in water without getting output into Excel



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Hi John,

If I want data from the serial monitor I use PuTTY, which can dump data straight into a text file as it receives it. Search for PuTTY and download it (be sure to get a genuine version).

I also think it is possible to get Excel to take input from a serial port directly, never tried it, don't know how to do it but maybe if you search you will find out.

Perry: Thanks for pointing out mistake. Got it. Will re-read guides.

Looks like PuTTY will solve two problems: getting data and putting directly into file instead of parsing with Excel functions. Is download from genuine?

Much appreciated.

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Another option is to use non-app resources. Try using script to start file, read port, monitor traffic for EOT, format traffic, write file, close file.

MSDOS calls it "batch" or "batch file"
Linux calls it "shell" or "shell script"

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xfdp: thanks. I will have to read up on those steps

Microsoft 365 has an Add-In : Microsoft Data Streamer For Excel, that will allow you to read data into a spreadsheet directly from a serial port.

Here it is working with Arduino IDE 1.8.19:


Hi Perry,
That is what I demonstrated in post #8.

It is only available in the Microsoft 365 version of Excel though.

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Maybe try:

Google search "serial input to spreadsheet" for other options besides Microsoft...

Excel will open a csv file so you make sure the data is comma separated, dump it in a text file then open with Excel. I can't remember how you tell Excel to start a new row, maybe CR, maybe NL, maybe ,, check the documentation or just experiment (or wait for someone here to tell you).

I think that's the genuine site for PuTTY, waiting for my expert friend to confirm.

The alternative to the above mentioned datastreamer can be PLX-DAQ version 2 - now with 64 bit support! (and further new features)

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But, I have several pages of output in Serial monitor right now, and I just did a ctrl-A and pasted it into a new text document with ctrl-c.
So I'm not sure why my version of 1.8.19 IDE is different from yours, but apparently it is.

Yes, that's the correct site.

Camsysca: I agree, maybe once in 30 tries it works. That makes me wonder if might be working if "catch" at certain point in write to SerMon

The problem is likely related to trying to do it "livetime" as opposed to post-run. My bad. I didn't realize that's what you're up to. Ctrl-A is very limited in usefulness.

Probably not true, and conceptually dumb anyway.

So send the data to Excel.

  1. Use the PLX v2 macro
  2. If you have a modern version of Excel. use the datastreamer facility.

Using the serial monitor is only for those who don't know what they are doing. Actually, I thought you can copy from the serial monitor, but why would anybody want to do that?

PLX-DAQ version 2 - now with 64 bit support! (and further new features)

Hmm... the real-world (not office world) expects the impossible, and no-one cares if you deliver, only if you do not deliver. For this, CLI is best. No App-inside-App-on-OS-on-OS... just a blinky cursor, a port and a file.

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