I have ESP 8266
RS232 to TTL Converter
i want to Create data logger for solar inverter by using ESP 8266. need code which enable ESP8266 to access point and (connected to Internet) and get data from inverter RS232 port
I have ESP 8266
RS232 to TTL Converter
i want to Create data logger for solar inverter by using ESP 8266. need code which enable ESP8266 to access point and (connected to Internet) and get data from inverter RS232 port
Hi imranmk3,
welcome to the Arduino-Forum.
english seems not to be your native language. Writing "need code" sounds really egoistic.
To me it sounds like
"hurry up delivering ready to use code!!"
I assume that you did not want paint a picture of yourself as beeing selfish and egoistic.
If you have trouble to find words in english for a more extended explanation of your project, simply use google-translate. The grammar will not be brilliant but it will be minimum 3 times better to understand than some short worded posting.
To finish your project faster please installate this "afterburner"
The installation of this "afterburner" will need some time in the beginning but will save you a lot of time after installation.
The "installation" of the afterburner is done very differently than a mechanical device.
It is done by reading
best regards Stefan
and the final question:
Do you have budget?
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