Delete My account

How can I delete my account? While I need to be helped here, I am questioned and snapped at by users when we should focus on the solution. I shared 4 posts, in 3 posts I solved my problem myself months later.
I am not satisfied at all. If I cannot delete it myself, I request.

Hello @om1f

I'm sorry to hear that you wish to delete your account.

Moderators do not normally delete accounts.
If you wish to have your account deleted please email or use the form here with your request. The Arduino team will review your request and will reply to you explaining that any personal data associated to the account or contained in their posts/comments will be removed, but any other content posted in the forum that does not contain personal data (such as technical conversations etc.) will be preserved according to point 8.5 of Arduino’s terms and conditions
This will ensure your account is properly deleted from Arduino’s systems in a GDPR compliant way.

Thank you

Referring to your latest post:

It is obvious that English is not your first language. I believe you even said so in one of your posts. What you didn’t understand is that your questions and statements did not translate to English very clearly. It was difficult to understand what you were asking.

There are several subforums that are dedicated to specific languages. Perhaps you could ask your question in one of the languages you are familiar with.

It was also suggested that you use longer sentences to allow for a clearer translations. The short phrases and responses you used did not give the translator much context to allow for a clearer translation and did not give much information about your problem.

Too many times someone will say “it didn’t work “. Without detailed information about what didn’t work and what it did that was incorrect.

I am sorry you have had a bad experience here and I will be honest; some of the regulars here seem to be a little bit impatient with others and show their impatience a little bit too easily.

I only became a regular recently. I do my best to help people, even if their inital post is very lacking. If I've got nothing helpful and polite to say, then I don't post. I imagine that for beginners, who are obviously struggling and ask for help, some of the replies I've seen might be considered a bit offputting


Yes, I am Turkish, I know a bit English. I see.

But as I said, I have 4 different messages, all of them looked at by the same people and I was rejected and questioned by the ones who were going to help me. And they are old users.

I've looked at a few of your threads. In those threads, you were impatient, didn't supply clear or complete information when asked and at some point started to complain about being 'questioned'.

You have to understand that in order to receive help, you need to provide clear and complete information on the problem. You also have to understand that the help you receive is offered on a voluntary basis, and trying to force people to help you FAST tends to be counterproductive. Anyone offering help voluntarily will become angry if you try to force them. This is what you had happen.

Yes, some of the regulars can be a bit direct/cranky/argumentative. I think this has improved over the years, but it's still a bit of an issue sometimes. However, a forum like this one is also a good example of "you reap what you sow". If you're kind to people, patient with them, answer their questions diligently and are generally forthcoming with information, then you will find that people invest time in helping you, they go out of their way to dig into your problem and some will dedicate an inordinate amount of time (free of any charge) to your case. On the other hand, if you're being impatient, don't offer information when asked, complain about the help you get etc, then you'll encounter lots of resistance, rejection and you will essentially receive no help whatsoever.

I'd like to point out that your profile statistics suggest that you've made 60 posts across 6 of your own threads, while having a 4 hour combined read time, suggesting that for every response you entered, you did 4 minutes of reading on this forum. This suggests that you talk more than you listen; I'm sure that if you flip that balance in the other direction, you'll get a lot more from this (or any source of information, really).

Language is an issue for sure as @bitherder_57 also mentions. You may consider using an online translation tool so you can write your responses in Turkish and then post them here in English. This will make your responses overall easier to read and also come across as overal more constructive and polite.

If you decide it's all not worth it and/or it's impossible for you to adopt an attitude that positions you to receive better help on this forum, leaving is as simple as logging off, closing your browser/changing the address in the address bar and not coming back. This is literally all it takes.

Good luck with your projects and with enlisting help of others in performing them.

I generally use translation.


That's a good idea. Many of your posts didn't look like they were translated particularly well. They were difficult to make sense of due to word order problems, confusing capitalization, word choice etc. In my experience, e.g. Google Translate does a much better job.

That's a good example of a post that doesn't work due to its unnecessary brevity. You likely mean "I'm already doing this". However, if you simply write 'already' it looks like you can't be bothered to spend the 3 seconds it takes to respond in a more legible way. It suggests you don't acknowledge the other person's effort and you choose to put in only a minimal effort in communicating with them. Maybe that's not what you intend, but it does come across that way. If you simply put "Ben bunu zaten yapıyorum" into Google Translate and then paste the English output here, it'll already look a lot more polite/constructive and the conversation will take a different course. It only takes a few seconds.

GIGO: Garbage In = Garbage Out. Or, put more constructively: if you're being kind to people, they'll generally be kind to you.

Again, good luck. I've had my say on the matter; what you make of it is entirely up to you.

Also, why didn't they ask me about the part I explained incompletely?

Now can you explain this expression to me "GIGO: Garbage In = Garbage Out"

It looks to me like they did, though. Sometimes you answered, very briefly. Sometimes, like in the case of your twin-MOSFET where you were asked to supply a schematic, no answer ever materialized.

If you're being very brief, gruff, impatient and overall unpleasant in your communication, then you will receive the same treatment from others. If you don't supply much information about your project, you won't receive much information from others to help you.

There are plenty of examples of threads where (also non-English speaking) people have gone out of their way to provide a clear description of their situation, provided in-depth answers to questions asked and overall showed a constructive attitude, and they all received whatever help people could extend. Look at this example here, for instance: Questions about powering the CP2104
It's randomly picked, but it shows clearly how the person who asks the question provides complete information, is patient, is polite towards the people who are trying to help and as a result, the exchange of information is constructive and the people stepping in to help are putting in considerable time and effort to help this person.

There are many similar examples on the forum. I'd suggest to read a couple of threads to see how they evolve. You may notice the pattern: the people who get the best help and are the most likely to get a solution to their problems are also the people who put in the most effort in describing their situation.


Please look again at a few of my messages, they asked for details and I got angry? Anyway, I am not going to argue with you.

A 'photo is not a schematic

But no schematic.

Well, it appears so:

I would also like to thank some of you for questioning me and not focusing on the solution.

While I need to be helped here, I am questioned and snapped at by users when we should focus on the solution.

I was rejected and questioned by the ones who were going to help me.

I figured you'd take it that way, and I can sort of understand you feel like this. However, as far as I'm concerned, we're not arguing. You seem genuinely upset at how you're being treated, and it also seems to me you're not quite understanding or acknowledging your own role in the treatment you received. I have to add that how you were treated was actually not bad at all; you received a few critical comments about how you opened new threads etc., but nothing particularly nasty happened to you. So your response (wanting to be deleted from the forum) seems a bit crass/overblown in relation to what actually happened.

Lighten up a little. Nobody is trying to give you a hard time. If you're kind to people here, they'll generally be kind to you, or at least they'll pretty much leave you alone for the most part.