OK... Well kinda works...
I have a ATTINY1604, connected to a 74HC4051 that is multiplexing the SDA of 5x VEML6040 colour sensors.
They all share the same SCL.
Ticking along fine using the VEML6040 Library.
Currently, I am just spitting out the values read by the sensors to an RGBW strip (5 leds).
I have not done any dialling in on that yet, so the colours are not correct.
The quickest I can read the sensors appears to be 80ms. I have upped the timing to 100ms.
Unfortunately. the LED it is monitoring can flash at a rate of around 500ms (on for 500ms, off for 500ms). So there is a chance that the 'flash' gets missed.
Didn't really think it would be an issue, but I didn't realise the LEDS I am monitoring might flash quite so fast.
The test code is awful... but it works in principle.
There is some remnants of the OLED I had connected to check the values returned from the sensors.
#include "Wire.h"
#include "veml6040.h" // Colour sensor library
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include <U8x8lib.h>
U8X8_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_HW_I2C u8x8(/* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE, /* clock=*/ SCL, /* data=*/ SDA); // pin remapping with ESP8266 HW I2C
#ifdef __AVR__
#include <avr/power.h>
VEML6040 RGBWSensor;
#define RGBWpin 0 // This is pin 2 on the IC
#define NUMPIXELS 2
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip(NUMPIXELS, RGBWpin, NEO_GRBW + NEO_KHZ800); // Might be NEO_GRBW / NEO_RGBW NEO_KHZ800 / NEO_KHZ400
#define addA 1 // This is pin 3 on the IC 4051 Multiplexer
#define addB 2 // This is pin 4 on the IC
#define addC 3 // This is pin 5 on the IC
#define Led 8 // This is pin 11 on the IC. LED is just for debugging
byte red = 0;
byte green = 0;
byte blue = 0;
byte white = 0;
byte sensor_number = 1;
unsigned long CurrentMillis;
unsigned long getcolourMillis;
unsigned long updateMillis;
void setup() {
pinMode (Led, OUTPUT);
pinMode (addA, OUTPUT);
pinMode (addB, OUTPUT);
pinMode (addC, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(115200); // TX = Pin 5 (Pin 7 on the IC) RX = Pin 4 (Pin 6 on the IC) This is Comms to the Teensy 4.1
Wire.begin(); // SCL = Pin 7 (Pin 9 on the IC) SDA = Pin 6 (Pin 8 on the IC)
digitalWrite(Led, HIGH); // Turn on LED at boot
digitalWrite(addA, LOW); // Set inital 4051 Multiplexer address 0 (Sensor 1)
digitalWrite(addB, LOW);
digitalWrite(addC, LOW);
u8x8.begin(); // Start text library
u8x8.setFont(u8x8_font_8x13_1x2_f); // Set font
u8x8.setCursor(0, 1);
u8x8.print("SYSTEM ONLINE...");
if (!RGBWSensor.begin()) {
digitalWrite(Led, LOW); // Turn the Led off again if the sensor is not detected
u8x8.setCursor(0, 1);
u8x8.print("VEML6040 ERROR");
while (1) {}
//RGBWSensor.setConfiguration(VEML6040_IT_320MS + VEML6040_AF_AUTO + VEML6040_SD_ENABLE); // Sampling every 320ms
RGBWSensor.setConfiguration(VEML6040_IT_80MS + VEML6040_AF_AUTO + VEML6040_SD_ENABLE); // Sampling every 80ms
//RGBWSensor.setConfiguration(VEML6040_IT_80MS + VEML6040_TRIG_ENABLE + VEML6040_AF_FORCE + VEML6040_SD_ENABLE); // Don't know what AF_FORCE mode means
strip.show(); // This clears the LEDS
void loop() {
CurrentMillis = millis();
if (CurrentMillis - getcolourMillis > 100) {
getcolourMillis = CurrentMillis;
red = RGBWSensor.getRed();
green = RGBWSensor.getGreen();
blue = RGBWSensor.getBlue();
white = RGBWSensor.getWhite();
strip.setPixelColor((sensor_number - 1), strip.Color(red, green, blue, white)); // LED 0 is the first LED address
sensor_number++; // Change to the next sensor
if (sensor_number > 5) {
sensor_number = 1;
if (sensor_number == 1) {
digitalWrite(addA, LOW); // Set 4051 Multiplexer address 0 (Sensor 1)
digitalWrite(addB, LOW);
digitalWrite(addC, LOW);
if (sensor_number == 2) {
digitalWrite(addA, HIGH); // Set 4051 Multiplexer address 1 (Sensor 2)
digitalWrite(addB, LOW);
digitalWrite(addC, LOW);
if (sensor_number == 3) {
digitalWrite(addA, LOW); // Set 4051 Multiplexer address 2 (Sensor 3)
digitalWrite(addB, HIGH);
digitalWrite(addC, LOW);
if (sensor_number == 4) {
digitalWrite(addA, HIGH); // Set 4051 Multiplexer address 3 (Sensor 4)
digitalWrite(addB, HIGH);
digitalWrite(addC, LOW);
if (sensor_number == 5) {
digitalWrite(addA, LOW); // Set 4051 Multiplexer address 4 (Sensor 5)
digitalWrite(addB, LOW);
digitalWrite(addC, HIGH);
Any ideas on this?
Don't think you can have software I2C, so not sure how I can make this work now.
Certainly not running 5x processors for 5x sensors. Massively overkill.