Don't use flags to identify non-English language categories

And definitely don't use the flag of Germany to indicate the language :rofl: I think it was mentioned earlier.

The English have 4 different flags so be even more careful


Which flags do you have in mind

Actually 5 flags if you count the union jack.


You've been away too long, the English have 1 flag. The Union flag is not for the English, it's for the United Kingdom.

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Quite probably :upside_down_face:

Either way England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and of course the conglomeration LOL

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So, it is the British who have 4 (or 5) flags, not the English

It is just as well that nobody asked how many flags the United Kingdom has. Whoops, I just did

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Great Britain is England, Scotland and Wales. The United Kingdom is Great Britain plus Northern Ireland. The union flag is for the United Kingdom.

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Dang it this was a can of worms !


Who wasn't paying attention in class again?


I could not remove the text above. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
I didn't pay attention to how we learned to edit GIFs (I never learned)

There at least 3 Brits in this conversation.

There is something called "banter" going on.

For us Brits that's fun, and not always to be confused with facts or meaningful conversation.
Two of us are called Bob but one secretly goes by the name Kelli :upside_down_face: :rofl:

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Only when the forum software has a funny moment, which I have not seen for a while, at least not in respect of my username being displayed incorrectly


I have a vague memory of being taught how the union flag came to be when I was at junior school, but I also remember not understanding what I was being told because at that time I didn't understand that the UK comprised 4 nations with a varied history.

Do Canadians not have banter? Or has your wonderful (sic) Prime minister Justin Trudeau banned it?

LOL he aint banned it yet !
No doubt its on his to-do list.
He must be running out of those "get out of jail cards" too I reckon.

Thankfully a lot of Canadians get banter too, and the missus is Canadian but she has been with me so long she can take me down with a one liner come back on occasion too.

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I thought you were UkuleleBob for the longest time.


I’ve been watching a British sitcom called “Code 404” where there is lots of banter. The cop that the American programmer installed the AI program on was using American English expressions for various things after a software upgrade. Pretty funny show in a Benny Hill sort of way.

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There are a few good ones where banter comes into play.
A classic OLDE was "Auf Wiedersehen, Pet"
Of course no banter would be complete without the "Black Adder" series.

Wish they had done some more of the 404 too !

Good banter can also be a get out of jail card to some degree too.