Seasons Greatings

Have a great holiday you all !

Ooh, avatar decoration tree! Fancy 8)

Someone needs to get out more :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

And thank you for the sentiment - best wishes to everyone.


Couldn't find an image of 2 Robins.

Someone needs to get out more :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Edit: got them


Ehh.. thanks ?

That tree sends some shivers down my spine, staring at me like that..
Are you wishing us an evil Christmas ?

That tree sends some shivers down my spine, staring at me like that..

It's the AWOLs eyes

This is a robin in a seasonal pose

I can't figure what bird you have.

On the other hand, I completely withdraw the suggestion that you need to get out more and apologise abjectly for making such a suggestion in the first place :slight_smile:


This is what we call a robin here.


This is what we call a robin here.

In the good old days the Forum used to show a person's location.

Just out of curiosity, where is here? (I am in the UK, not far from Manchester)

The bird whose image I posted is Erithacus rubecula


In the colonies, Canada.

So I guess your bird is Turdus migratorius

Scope for many scatalogical jokes !


That link has the wrong bird.
This is an American Robin:

Scope for many scatalogical jokes !

Maybe you should consider:

That link has the wrong bird.

Can you post a link to the correct bird and quote its latin name ?



Tom.. Merry Christmas All..

Hi, again,
Australian Robin Red Breast

Tom..... :

Can you post a link to the correct bird and quote its latin name ?

Looks the same, the Canadian Robin doesn't have a flag sewed on its wing.

Funny how the Robin looks different across the Empire.

Just out of curiosity, where is here?

That looks like it might be Calgary. I passed through there once - flew in and was taken by train to Banff. Followed afew days later by a wonderful ride in the cab of a freight train from Banff to Kamloops.


Banff is beautiful this time of year.

We have not made it your way yet.

It's nearly midwinter here, London UK, but you'd never believe it. Temperatures around 13oC and on some days as high as 16oC. Warm air from the Canaries is the culprit. Looks like it will be the warmest December on record.
But seasons greetings and a happy new year to one and all.