It turns out that I have a transformer that outputs 12v and 800mA and also a DC motor that requires 12v and 130mA
The question is, If i connect the transformer to the motor, will it burn?
It turns out that I have a transformer that outputs 12v and 800mA and also a DC motor that requires 12v and 130mA
The question is, If i connect the transformer to the motor, will it burn?
Having a power supply with excess ampacity is actually a good thing. A higher than required voltage would be bad but a higher available current, no problem.
In general, circuits draw the required current.
For motors, the current draw depends on the load and is very high when the motor starts. This is called the stall current, and is often 5-10X higher than the running current.
Your power supply must be able to provide the stall current, or close to it. What is the stall current for your motor?
Just to be sure...note that a "transformer" is an AC device.
If what you really have is a power supply you're fine. But if you really have a simple transformer then trying to run a DC motor on AC is a bad idea.