DSTIKE Deauther Watch: Display clock first when on

Hello, I'm a newbie in programing and new to Aurdino, but I want to learn more.

I got a Deauther watch (v1) from spacehun's, and I want to reprogram it so, as soon as it turns on, two things happens:
-Display the clock, and with 1 click, go to the default menu.
-Turn off the front LED when the clock is on display.

I believe this might be a simple thing for many of you, and I'm afraid to frizz the board (at least until I get a better understanding of this). Can someone help me with this piece of code? I believe I already have set everything up for this, I followed this guide: Installation · SpacehuhnTech/esp8266_deauther Wiki · GitHub

I just don't want to burn the thing by uploading spagetti to it by accident.

Nice. Have You got a link to its datasheet/technical manual that You can post? Else You might have to wait a long time for help.

More or less, yes.

The wiki has it, although it's from an old "wristband" model, the board seems to be the same, and same goes for the sketch, which seems to be the "esp8266_deauther" on:

The wiki provides both the source and the compilations for each item derived from the original deauther.

The time I have been fiddling with the code, it seems to me that DisplayUI.h and DisplayUI.cpp hold the code for this. With DisplayUI.h carrying the commands and DisplayUI.cpp carrying the functions:

Here for example, I don't know how to follow the logic in DisplayUI.h, as I need it to stop right here at line 59 to display the clock, with the led turned off and wait to proceed when the watch's button is clicked, then the menu will start normally and the led will turn back on.

const char D_INTRO_0[] PROGMEM = "ESP8266 Deauther";
const char D_INTRO_1[] PROGMEM = "by @Spacehuhn";
const char D_RESETTING[] PROGMEM = "Resetting...";
const char D_SCANNING_0[] PROGMEM = "> Scanning";
const char D_SCANNING_1[] PROGMEM = "> Scanning.";
const char D_SCANNING_2[] PROGMEM = "> Scanning..";
const char D_SCANNING_3[] PROGMEM = "> Scanning...";
struct MenuNode {
    std::function<String()>getStr; // function used to create the displayed string
    std::function<void()>  click;  // function that is executed when node is clicked
    std::function<void()>  hold;   // function that is executed when node is pressed for > 800ms

struct Menu {
    SimpleList<MenuNode>* list;
    Menu                * parentMenu;
    uint8_t               selected;
    std::function<void()> build; // function that is executed when button is clicked

Sorry guys, I'm very new to this and I just need a small piece of code that would do this. I've been beating my head over it on my free time but I just don't know how to proceed. Do I need to pay someone to explain this to me? Because I'm sure it's nothing for many here, but I'm just starting and I don't want this topic to just sink into oblivion.

You should know that most people here don't like participating in illegal mayhem. If you want hacker tools then you need to be good enough to create them. We really don't want noobs running around killing people's wifi connections for fun.

Even if that's not what you are up to, someone else would use this knowledge for evil. So it remains in the realm of things you gotta be smart enough to figure out in order to obtain.

As long as it's for something called a "deauther" I think you can count on that.

Well, to be honest, it's more of a novelty. Most of the wireless equipment has been updated by now, it would only work on something old. And even then, I don't know what kind of mischief one would be able to do with it, I would hardly believe any kind of establishment wouldn't be up to date with their own infrastructure.

The deauther already has that function, even if a bit deprecated, but I'm not looking for that. The only thing I'm looking for is being able to use it as a fancy watch, hence why I don't need something like the front LED being turned on all the time when I just want the clock displayed.

That's exactly what they all say.

If you don't need the hacker tool then just buy a watch. There's not really a purpose other than that. I'm not stupid. I can look at the code. I know what it does.

But it doesn't matter. Even if you were completely innocent, nobody want instructions for something like that put up here.

Hey common, it is just a watch with wifi.
If the malicious part of the doftware is removed, there is no harm.
Any other wifi board can be used to do make the same troubles (and worse).
Like a rocket can bring satelites to orbit or other things at someones house...

called the deauther.

If they had just a car with a spiked grill-guard called the crowd killer would you be helping someone fix up the spikes as long as they said they just intended to use it as a car?

Did you look at the github repo? We don't make "just a watch" with the word "attack" referenced so many times.

Agree I would not help with the spikes!
And I also agree that that site shows some pretty bad intentions.
I think op wants to make his watch a watch...
That sounds pretty ok.
And as long as the code with bad intention is not part of his project, I see no problems helping op.
But: I certainly understand your restraint in this matter.
A few years ago I, was looking for a programmable watch. I looked at this one and disliked the bad intention. I bought a TTGO instead. But that came with software that is not of great quality. I am still in the process of rewriting it... anyway, there is not much choice in tge market of programmable watches. So I understand someone might still by the deauther watch despite the bad intentions of the seller (who, in my opinion is more of an adolescent that is a seeking the edges than a true criminal).

By the way, I did not know deauther was an actual word in english...
Now that I know, I understand your opinion better...

There are much better places to start if you want to make a watch. There is no other reason to be using this code unless you are intending to "attack" something.

Those are the worst ones. At least a real criminal I know what to protect. But we've got kids running around thinking it's funny to lick the ice-cream and put it back on the shelf. I don't like having to watch out for people causing general mayhem.

Maybe if you're so interested in the potential legitimate uses of this thing, go and fork the repo and take all the attack stuff out of it and make it a real watch. But as long as it is intended for "attacking" things then I don't think I want to trust someone who says they just want to use it as a watch.

That just makes no sense. If you want a watch get a watch. There's no reason for a watch to have "attack" capabilities.

I agree with you. The original software for this watch is no good. The name of the watch is not good either. Whether OP has bad intentions is impossible to know.

I would not make fork. That would still refer to the bad things in the original.
I would start from scratch.

But I will not, as I do not have such a watch.
Maybe an idea for op to show his good intentions or hide his bad intentions.

@reserchr ,
First welcome to the Arduino forum.

I've read the comments about what you are trying to do and about you. I've closed the topic because of the code presented and its purpose, this forum is not for helping create things to cause problems and damage to others and their equipment. I think you are probably innocent here, I think you are playing with something you find interesting and wanted to learn more, and probably were not expecting the response you have got. I'm not going to impose any penalties to you or anyone. Do please stick around but understand the limits of the things you will get help with.

Thank you.

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