Enter Computer’s Sweet-P pen plotter


I was wondering if I could get some help finding a programming manual for enter computer’s sweet-p pen plotter/ it’s programming manual.

If not—

Would someone be willing to walk me through updating the brains of the computer, so that
I can utilize this dream machine?


It looks like a pretty standard desktop pen plotter from the 80s/90s.

To get more help, you should really post as many links references as you can find.

To get started - try looking into HPGL which was often used with pen plotters. I didn’t look to see if it uses RS232 or a Centronjcs parallel interface - you’ll need to address & choose based on what you’re using.

You’ll be limited in what you can do with the 8-bit Arduinos… the ESP/pi’s etc and higher level processors will be a better match.

I did find this 1 page from Byte magazine that may help:
RS232 interface and HPGL support from a quick read.

What exact model? They made one with only one pen, so.

Can you snap a few photos and post them?



OK, until I unearthed it, I would have sworn I would be pulling out the manual for a Sweet-P plotter.

But it is a ComScriber I by COMREX for which I have a thin User's Guide.

I wonder if my certainty stems from the possibility that they are one and the same, that is to say one is a rebadged version of the other.

As much googling as I can take time for now makes me think the whole thing was a fever dream.

If you find that the Sweet-P was ever the ComScriber I, just say, and I'll go to a bit more trouble over here.

The interface is parallel, I remember making a serial to parallel converter out of parts found around the house, well my house anyway, and getting it going with fairly simple serial output.


And here's some more useful information on the plotter including the commands for the SPGL (Sweet-P Graphics Language)

There's also an image of the rear of an SP-601 plotter on Wikimedia:

If the rear of your plotter looks similar to this, then it shouldn't be too difficult to get it going - even without any user manual.

There's also a github page for an HPGL to SPGL converter which you may find useful here:

A google search for "spgl plotter language" brings up several old magazine articles on the plotter(s).

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