Error building fontconvert.c for Adafruit GFX Library

Hi all,

I am in the process of setting up the program fontconvert.exe so that I can add fonts via the command prompt. At the moment, I have successfully followed the first two steps specified in ''.

However, as seen in the screenshot above, I am struggling to compile the source C file due to a missing library or file (which is supposedly 'freetype'). I appreciate any help provided for solving this error.

Is freetype.h in the path? Here's the file on git: freetype2/freetype.h at master · aseprite/freetype2 · GitHub

I have checked the directory. It looks like I have the file 'freetype.h' along with other header files in the folder 'freetype'. Have I specified the directory path incorrectly in the make file?

Maybe make wants freetype.h to reside in freetype2 folder.

I have moved 'freetype.h' to the same directory as 'ft2build.h'. As seen in the screenshot, I still received the same error message. For some extra info, I downloaded freetype 2.12.0.

Looking at this image... is "collect2" the missing file/folder, or is it part of the makefile?

I don't see a file/folder 'collect2'. However, it seems that the message is saying that it cannot find a directory/file 'C:/msys2/mingw/include/freetype2' despite the directory 'freetype' existing in the specified file path.

The header file also exists in C:\freetype-2.12.0\include\freetype. Should I try to specify this path instead?

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