ESP-01 ESP8266 connection error: "Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header"

Hello Guys,
I am trying to connect ESP-01 ESP8266 to Arduino UNO and all the wiring is connected correctly. When I upload the code to the WiFi module (ESP-01 ESP8266) it throws back the below mentioned error:
"A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header"

Currently just for testing the connection I am trying to run the Blink example in IDE.

The goal of my project is to connect to the Wi-Fi module ESP-01 via phone and turn the servo motor accordingly.

WiFi Module: ESP-01 ESP8266
Board Manager Version: 3.1.2
Arduino Board: Arduino Uno

that means that the communication pins are unstable, i had the same problem, i connect TX RX directly to arduino pins and for some reason it wont upload unless i reset while the ----.....----- loading shows up, TX connected to TX and RX to RX

Sounds like you encountered the same issue I was, here is the thread where it was fixed:

Good luck!

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