ESP-12F deep sleep problem

I have an Wemos D1 Mini board that works perfectly fine with the same code. A simple deep sleep code that turns a led connected to GPIO5 on when the unit is awake for 10 seconds before it goes to deep sleep for 20 seconds.

Reset pin is connected to GPIO16 on booth boards.

That works fine with Wemos D1 Mini.

When i upload exactly the same code to ESP-12F it does not work. I power the ESP-12F with 3.3V from an voltage regulator (HT7333) and i got 3.3V to the board.

The GPIO 5 and the LED will not turn on as it does on the Wemos D1 Mini.

Can someone give me some push here please?

Sure. Read the forum guide in the sticky post.

Or indeed, this one. :+1:

Point is, we need not only the code, but exact details of how you have connected each of the devices.

Also a meaningful explanation/ detailed description of


Her is my code:

int greenLed = 5;
int sleepTime = 20000000;

void setup() {
pinMode(greenLed, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH);



void loop() {

And here is my schematic:

Not sure, but the 1 mF capacitor shown may be on the wrong side of the regulator. Probably need a few µF on the output and the big one on the input.

But the same circuit works fine with wemos d1 Mini powered by the 3.3V input...

Making sure I got this right, an LED is being driven from a GPIO pin or a ESP32 without a current limiting resistor and there is a complaint that the thing does not properly work?

Let me get this right, a ESP32 is being put to deepsleep() and a reset pulse is being used to, what wake it up?

The proper way to do deep sleep with a ESP32 thingy is,

    esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup( 60000000 ); // set timer to wake up once a minute 60000000uS
  1. set the deep sleep time with a uint64_t.
  2. put the esp to sleep.

Here are the docs to a ESP, API Reference - ESP32 - — ESP-IDF Programming Guide latest documentation (

Which has a number more components involved ...

Do you mean to say you powering the WeMOS D1 Mini with the same external HT7333 regulator and capacitor?

As well as the ceramic 100 nF.

Still not sure what

means? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, i power the Wemos d1 Mini with the same input.

Deep sleep code is working. The only thing that does not work is the led. It does not turn on/off.

The led that does not have a current limiting resistor? Most likely the LED did turn on at some point for a few short moments before the excessive current damaged the GPIO pin.

Off course the led had an resistor. I just forget to draw that in :slight_smile: My fault :slight_smile:

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