ESP-8266 overheating and Project Guidance

Hello, I'm planning to connect ESP-32-Cam, DHT-22, and 2 weight loads to an ESP-8622 for monitoring my bee hive. I want to be able to upload the data to a dedicated web server. This is the project so far.

My main problem right now is that the ESP-8622 is overheating. Can you guys help me? Also, can the ESP-8622 be the one to hold the server as well? I apologize if the questions are bad, I'm fairly new to Arduino. Thank you and have a good day.

Disconnect it if it's over heating!
How are you powering Esp?

as of right now its through the tp-4056 with battery

Connected to 3.3V pin?

The CHIP is an ESP8266. (not an 8622) What is the board - provide a link. It LOOKS like a NODE.

I cant see any power connections on your fuzzy picture and I'd only be guessing what the pin lables are.

Can you provide a schematic?
How to make a schematic you can post. - Using Arduino / Introductory Tutorials - Arduino Forum