ESP32-CAM is flickering, why ?

Hello falks,

as you can see in the screenshot, my ESP32-Cam is flickering. Do you guys know why ? The LED is also flickering, but not intense flickering.

I've some suspects:

  1. maybe it could be the AMS1117-3.3 voltage regulator ?
  2. or it could be the RX/TX connection ?
  3. or coudld it be because of the Connections ? I am just using normal pin-headers.

Most likely, either the power supply is inadequate, or the regulator is overheating, and the voltage is dropping.

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the regulator is indeed, overheating. is it better to put a buckconverter after DC-Jack and the first cap ? If yes: what Voltage should I adjust on the BuckConv ? (Remember: there is an 6VDC input)

Use a 3.3V buck converter. There is no need for the linear regulator.

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Okay, and what about noice etc. ? And also no need for capacitors etc ?

I am asking because I am a beginner. A prof told me to use an AMS1117 :smiley:

It is a good idea to add a 10 to 100 uF capacitor between the regulator and the ESP32, to reduce noise from the switching regulator.

Ask the professor to explain why the AMS1117 was overheating.

You might want to look into using a Buck/Boost converter.

Lots on Ebay.


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Thanks mate, I think I will take this :smiley:

Because the power dissipitation :smiley: The problem are the 200mA which flows throw, and the 6v to 3.3V Stepdown.

Okay, I will use the BuckConv... but should I use the Capacitors (which you see on the shematic) for the BuckConv too ?

Please reread the first line of reply #7.

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Okay, thanks man :smiley:

Please, post the sketch along with hardware setup so that I can reproduce the same fault in my ESP32-CAM Module.

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