ESP32CAM AI Thinker PSRAM read error

Everytime I am trying to do anything which includes the camera of the ESP32 CAM module, I get this PSRAM error. This is the serial output of a program which is supposed to capture images and save it to SD card. What can I do about this PSRAM thing? Thank you.

Does your board actually have external PSRAM? Is it enabled?

The board that I have is identical to this one. So I think it has PSRAM. Didn't know about enabling it. Thank you. I'm trying the approaches in the article.

I tried the following code as shown in the article to determine psram size.

#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {
  digitalWrite(4, HIGH); 
  digitalWrite(4, LOW); 
  Serial.print("Total heap: %d");
  Serial.print("Free heap: %d");
  Serial.print("Total PSRAM: %d"); 
  Serial.println( ESP.getPsramSize());
  Serial.print("Free PSRAM: %d"); 

  digitalWrite(4, HIGH); 
  digitalWrite(4, LOW); 

void loop() {}```
I get the following output; 


The serial output is like this.

Do you have anything connected to the ESP32CAM ?

Have you tried the PSRAM check with no SD card inserted ?

Check the product page.

It is possible that the PSRAM, if it exists, is defective or nonfunctional.

Yes, nothing is connected. And I'm uploading the code via the MB-Download module that came with it.

Try to use the ESP32 Dev Module in the IDE and then select "Use PSRAM" from the submenu.
This helped me and also allows using OTA. Which you cannot using AI Thinker ESP32-CAM.

If this doesn´t work you won´t have PSRAM available.

What´s your ESP32 Board version? From my expirience, everything above 2.0.X. will blur the image and cause restarts. So I downgraded to 1.6.X or something.

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