I am using ESP8266Webserver and i am running it both STA (station) and AP (Access Point) mode.
The issue i am facing is when i connect to a new WiFi my IP address changes and i would like to have a static IP address irrespective of the WiFi connection.
I did try using MDNS but it only works for WiFiserver which does not serve my purpose.
You can't move a static IP address between networks. The usual solution is to register a node name with a Dynamic DNS service. Then your device can send a message to the DDNS system each time it connects to a network to let the DDNS system know what IP address is associated with the name.
I understand that it is not possible to move static IP between networks. It would be helpful if you can guide me on how can i register a node name with DNS service.
Alternatively, it would also be helpful if i can know the ip address of the new connection without opening COM port.
A Google search for 'DDNS Arduino' turns up several tutorials, libraries, and DDNS providers. I use NOIP.com but a Google search for 'free DDNS service' will provide many choices.