Hello. I am searching for a sensor that will be able to measure the distance to a not uniform round object (like an orange) that is moving on a conveyor belt.
The sensor will need to be placed between 200mm to 300mm away from the conveyor.
The sensors need to have a good accuracy, prefferebly to 1mm but max 3mm and it will need a sampling frequency of atleast 70Hz.
There is a few that fit the accuracy, but the sample rate is to slow to get enough measurements when the object is moving on the conveyor. (Id prefer if the sensor was in the $20 price range)
This where you start to pay for the equipment.
I assume the sample rate has to be high because of belt speed.
Instead of a TOF why not an IR beam across the direction of travel of the belt, I assume you are looking to cause something to actuate at a certain distance measured?
I have thought about that. By placing them offset from each other at the correct distance apart one should get double the resolution if i am not mistaken?
It is for counting fruit. So as soon as the sensor reads the shortest distance, you know that a fruit has passed by. The problem now lies in counting two fruits that are laying directly behind one another, basically touching. So you have to have an accurate and fast measurement to pick up the two fruits. That is why a conventional break sensor won't work
Use a set of horizontal IR beams making a curtain across the belt.
Even two bits of fruit in contact with each other can't obstruct ALL the beams at once.