Please someone help. I have tried flashing this chip so many times to no avail. I have set the switches correctly and followed all directions. there was another discussion about this and I tried everything there. One person wrote out a python command line for this and I tried it after adjusting the file names to match what I have and only get python error. Used flash download tool 3.8.8 first then tried 3.9 but no good. AT command returns nothing. Opening serial monitor immediately shows ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(1,6). I am getting frustrated here, Please help?
What error code/message?
(1,6) means your esp8266 is still in flashing mode. set switch 7 off
can you flash a program into the mega (switch OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF)
and run it (switches ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF)
Programming the ESP8266
- Ensure your dip switches are set such that 1-4 and 8 are OFF and 5-7 are ON.
- Ensure in the Arduino IDE under Tools|Board: it reads "Generic ESP8266 Module"
- Ensure Tools|Flash Size: is set to "4 MB (FS: 2MB OTA:~1019KB)"
- Double check it!
to run ESP8266 Set dip switches 1-4 and 7-8 OFF and 5-6 ON.
if you see some odd characters on the serial monitor when reset is pressed it is the ESP8266 startup at 74880baud
the DIP switch can be awkard - use a small screwdriver to move them
I had to use switch cleaner to get good contact
very doubtful about how long the DIP switches will last
helpful wesite LilyGO/Mega-WiFi_R3_ATmega2560_ESP8266
it appears to be a syntax error. The following is entered: write_flash --flash_size 2MB-c1 0x0 boot_v1.7.bin 0x01000 at/1024+1024/user1.bin 0x1fb000 blank.bin 0x1fc000 esp_init_data_default_v08.bin 0xfe000 blank.bin 0x1fe000 blank.bin and the error places the carat at 0xfe000 and the error message is "invalid decimal literal"
The mega part of the board works perfectly. tried using the flash download tool but no luck. the tool indicates that everything went well but after setting the switches back to on, on, on, on, off, off, off, n/a, i get nothing at all from at commands in the serial monitor. before setting the switches back the serial monitor gives the error mentioned above.
OK, followed instructions from the following website: DIY Guide - Mega2560 WiFi "to the T". Followed Juraj's instructions and set switch 7 off afterwards. opened serial monitor. Now I get lots of stuff but AT command not working.
you uploaded the esp-link firmware, not the AT firmware
I see, please forgive my ignorance as i am learning. How do i do this correctly so as to install esplink and AT firmware? I am having no luck in my search for instructions.
download the AT firmware here
(the AT firmware is in the bin subfolder of the zip)
and use esptool to flash it with this command write_flash --flash_size 2MB-c1 0x0 boot_v1.7.bin 0x01000 at/1024+1024/ 0x1fb000 blank.bin 0x1fc000 esp_init_data_default_v08.bin 0xfe000 blank.bin 0x1fe000 blank.bin
Well, I followed your instructions, and when I paste the line into python, I get this:
So I tried using the flash download tool (ver. 3.88) and then set switch 7 to off and the serial monitor provides this:
These are the settings used:
You have no idea how much I appreciate your help.
2 Mbit is 512 kB. your esp8266 has a 32 Mbit flash, but the firmware is compiled for a 2 Mbyte (16 Mbit flash)
using SpiAutoSet option corrects that 2MB to 4MB if you select 32Mbit
doesn't your computer run a .py file without opening the python command line?
Please forgive me I have never used python before, installed it for this yesterday. I did try with a command prompt and got this:
should I not check the SPIAutoSet box?
Thank you so much for all of your help. Finally have at commands working. Have a Great Weekend?
now I can recommend you my WiFiEspAT library for the Mega. the esp8266 is best on Serial3 if you set the switch on the board
Thank you so much! New question: would you happen to know why Arduino IoT cloud cannot find the board connected to usb? I have tried several different setting on the dip switches to no avail. I do have the create agent installed and running. This is what I have on screen:
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