This is an interesting project in which I’m trying to reverse engineer this screen clicker. It does not use any mechanical clicker, but solely some kind of electronic capitative field changing inside each tiny click unit, which is placed on the phone or tablet screen. I don't really need to know ALL the details of how it works, but just enough so that I can just use the little individual clickers and have them controlled by an arduino type project.
Here is a photo of the original unit, and also an inside photo of the tiny individual clickers (taken from the web):
There is a hub the controls the 6 little units in which you can adjust the clicking speed. I slowed the click speed down to 1 every 4 seconds, so I could get some (somewhat) stable reading with my fluke meter using the Min/Max setting. Each clicker connect with a USB micro plug. The wires are the standard colors (BK, RD, GR, WH); I thought it would be easy to determine how to control these with an arduino, but I'm finding multiple voltages that I'll have to deal with. I opened up the hub, and also tapped into one of the USB Micro cables to do some testing. I discovered on the PCB inside, there are test points for the 4 pins on the USB jacks. All 6 of the USB jacks are connected together in parallel. (so all the clickers act identical)
Here is a couple photos of the PCB inside:
I tried researching some of the chip markings, but I'm not getting very far. On the front of the PCB next to the USB C charging jack there is a couple SOT-223 chips (or SOT-89-5), one says 5322A ... and the other says LP4054. I'm guessing the circuitry on the front of the unit is the LiPo charging circuit. The hub runs off a LiPo battery, and charges via the USB C jack, as seen on the photo of the front side. I'm assuming that circuitry is the charging stuff.
So, on the back I found test points connected to the 4 output pins on the 6 USB micro connectors.
All connectors are connected in Parallel
Pin 1, Red:
Pin 2, White:
Pin 3, Green:
Pin 5, Black:
No AC Voltages showed up on any combinations
When a clicker is pulsed on (just a split second) a BL LED on it indicates the click, so I could tell which voltage state to reference as the click event.
Testing voltage (DC) on different wire Combinations, WITH A CLICKER ATTATCHED:
The first color listed was connected to the Fluke meter’s Black/Com
Black & Red: pulsed: Off is 20.5V; click is 24.4VDC
Black & White: pulsed: Off is -27.8V; click on is -25.2v
WH & RD (WH is neg): Constant 49.72VDC
BK & GR: (BK to meter GND): pulsed; On = 3.1VDC, Off = 0.0VDC
Testing again WITH NO CLICKER ATTATCHED to the hub
Black & Red: are now 0.0v Off, and 24V on
Black & White: no change; Off is -27.8V; click on is -25.2v
White & Red (WH is neg): same - 49.9V
Black & Green: Same - pulsed on is 3.0V, off is 0V
Any insight on what is going on here would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to try to figure out some more of the circuity on the back of the PCB, again, any help is much appreciated.
U2 has no markings.
U4 (marking of AMB) is near what looks like a choke (marking 100)?
U5 (marking is 4A2D)
Things I'm guessing at this point
There isn't any real "serial com" going on here, rather just a signal pin set high to activate the 6 clickers, by the GR wire.
Is the WH & RD wires a +/- 24V supply? With BK a the common reference?