Good health to all . . .

To all a good night . . .
Best wishes for 2017.


Click Here for video.


Man, I need to put up a less smurfy looking picture!


You are there now.


The Giving Tree is not a chump

Man, I need to put up a less smurfy looking picture!

You are supposed to be smurfy. :wink: .
Mrs. Crossroads took the video.


Merry Christmas! That is funny. I think the Australians and other Southern-Hemispherians won't know what to think of all that flying snow this time of year.

Classic, good laugh, just putting the Sunglasses on, Sunscreen, clean the AC, fix the IceMaker.

Merry Christmas guys, (if I forget before Christmas)

Tom... :slight_smile:

To all a good night . . .
Best wishes for 2017.

Ha ha, nice work Larry.
You did us all proud, and they look exactly like my actual clothes. :smiley:

Man, I need to put up a less smurfy looking picture!

You're not the only one. :slight_smile:

Merry Christmas! That is funny. I think the Australians and other Southern-Hemispherians won't know what to think of all that flying snow this time of year.

Snow? What's that?

Classic, good laugh, just putting the Sunglasses on, Sunscreen, clean the AC, fix the IceMaker.

Me too. 34C here yesterday.

10 Elves.jpg

"Me too. 34C here yesterday"

Wind chill tonight is going to be 41C.

i.e. minus 41C

-41C, really? :o Where are you living, on north pole? Winter just started. The January is the coldest month in the year (on northern hemisphere). Ask Santa for some thermal underwear.
Or wait, are you Santa?

Wind chill tonight is going to be 41C.

i.e. minus 41C

Wow, that's cold. Brrr.
Even in Winter it never gets below about +5C here. I can't imagine -41C.
(Haven't even seen snow for about 40 years, except on TV.)

I have experienced that kind of cold. if you breath through your nose, it freezes the snot in your nose.
I don't really like it, but i have been there.


Wild. If I ever visit Larry, it won't be in Winter. :frowning:

When I was a child, we used to have about 1m-1.5m of snow during the whole winter. I remember -36C as maximum.
Last 10 years is warm and up to a few cm of snow, -2C today in Kosice.

-38C only, we are having a balmy morning, no wind, it's going to be a wonderful day.
No insects to bother us any more.
BTW, what do you call a snake in this weather, 'A STICK'.

Lucky I put a new battery warmer in the SUV.

However, the days will soon be getting longer, only 12 more days :slight_smile:

Going to try running an UNO outside to see if it will still work.


Minus 48'C with windchill was the worst I have had to work in...30 mins work 30 mins warm up mandatory for a 12 hr shift.

Yup had the frozen snot thing and its not funny when you try wipe it and pluck your nose hair at the same time...OUCH !
Or when the face hood you wear starts to freeze up as you breath.

Lucky I don't ever have to do that one again.

BTW the MKR boards drop out at around -10 to -15 'C

UNO Rev3, didn't work at -37C, did at -32C, but I didn't work outside at -37C either.
Don't know what component on the PCB failed.

The problem was with the wallwart.


Best Wishes to you too LarryD and everyone else.
It's horrendously cold here too.
