I have been succesfully runnning the "GxEPD2_WiFi_Example.ino" from the (awesome) "GxEPD2" library examples using the 5.65 inch Eink 7-color display from waveshare to display photographs (reduced to the 7 color palette with imagemagik using dithering).
However, recently I got my hands on its bigger brother, the GDEY073D46 7.3 inch 800x480 7-color and was exicted to get it up and running.
Now comes the strange part:
- Small solid color example images (600x448) look good
- Small dithered example images (600x448) look good
- Large solid color example images (800x480) look good
- Large dithered example images (800x480) look awful. They have muted colors and a yellowish tint.
Here are some screenshots I took (with fixed-white balance):
The issue can be reproduced by just resizing one of the example images used in "GxEPD2_WiFi_Example.ino" sketch to 800x480, uploading it to a (local) webserver and displaying it
And here is my setup:
- ESP32 Lolin D32 pro
- Waveshare 7.3inch e-Paper HAT
- GDEY073D46 7.3 inch 800x480 7-color Eink display
- VIN of e-Paper HAT attached to 3v pin from ESP32
- Arduino IDE 1.8.19
- GxEPD2 Library Version 1.52
- "GxEPD2_WiFi_Example" from library examples (w/ modified image url)
- GDEY073D46 and Waveshare e-Paper HAT on Aliexpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005145061662.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.17.3aa71802Osn7Lp
- Github Repo from Waveshare: e-Paper/Arduino at master · waveshare/e-Paper · GitHub
What I tried
- Tried supplying 3.3v from a separate power supply (with some extrac capacitors for good measure) instead of the ESP32 3.3v pin, but no success
- Switching lolin D32 board with another dev board, but no success
- Made the code changes for the "clever reset circuit" suggested by @ZinggJM, but no success
Did anybody here have similar experiences?
Or might this just be a bad batch of eink display or e-Paper hat?
What I noticed, is that on the original github repo from waveshare, there are no full size (800x480) and dithered example images, only one or the other... Maybe the display is not even cabable of displaying those and it was just omitted there to cover up the fact?